Sima Xiangru is elegant and beautiful. He went to Liang Wang, where people liked him very much. Zou Yang spoke ill of him in front of Liang Wang: "It is beautiful to be as beautiful as a photo, but it looks enchanting and not simple in gorgeous clothes. You want to please others with sweet words and get in and out of your post office. Didn't you notice? "
Liang Wang asked Xiangru, "Are you horny?" Xiang Ru replied, "I'm not good at womanizing." Wang said, "You are a bad woman, how can you compare with Confucius and Mozi?" Xiang Ru said, "The ancients avoided womanhood, like Confucius and Mozi.
As soon as I heard Qi's daughter Caballe, I left far away. As soon as I saw the city in front of me called Chao Ge, I turned around and walked back. It's like staying in the water to prevent fire and hiding in the corner of the mountain for fear of drowning. This is because they have never seen anything that can arouse desire. How can this show that they are not lustful? Like me, I lived in Xishu area when I was young, living alone and without family.
The house is spacious and there is no company entertainment. My neighbor in the east has a girl like a cloud, with thick hair, plump figure, slender eyebrows and white teeth. Beautiful appearance, really glamorous and moving. She often looks around and asks me to accompany her. She looked at me on the wall for three years, but I refused and ignored her.
I admire your integrity in private, so I set off for the East. Along the way, I passed through Zheng Weisang's land, set out from Qinshui and Weishui in the morning, and boarded in the palace at night. I met an empty room in the last palace. It's cold, empty and foggy, and the door is closed during the day. It's dark, like a place where immortals live.
I pushed open the door to go to class, where the aroma was strong and the black and white axe-shaped curtains hung high. There was a woman alone there, and her posture in bed was beautiful. She is extremely beautiful, and her beautiful figure is radiant. Seeing me, she stepped back and said with a smile,' Which country is your distinguished guest's son? Probably from afar?'
So I put down the wine and presented the piano for everyone to play. I plucked the strings and played two songs, You Lan and Snow White. The woman sang,' I am alone in my room, depressed and helpless; Miss your lover and feel sad; Honey, why are you late? It's getting late, and youth will eventually pass away.
Commitment to each other is my long-cherished wish. Then she hung the Hosta on my hat and grabbed my clothes with both hands. At this time, the sun set in the west and it was dark all around. There is a cold wind and snow outside. The room was quiet and there was no sound.
And even the bedding has been laid, and there are other strange things to use and play with. The incense burner is burning incense, the curtains have been put down, the mattress is very thick, and the pillow is placed across the bed. The woman took off her coat and only wore underwear, revealing fair skin, petite figure and plump figure. She approached me on her own initiative.
I just feel that her body is soft and smooth, like coagulated fat. So I quickly held my breath, stabilized my mood, repeated my vows, made up my mind never to waver, and finally flew away to say goodbye to her. "
Original text:
Beautiful leisure city, wandering between and. Zou Yang said to the king, "If you are as beautiful as you are, you will become beautiful. However, if you dress beautifully and are disloyal, you want to flatter and please, so you visit the king's harem, and the king doesn't obey? " The king of Qi asked Xiangru, "Is the son lustful?" Xiang Ru said, "I am not lustful."
The king said, "I am not lustful." Why is it so boring? " Xiang Ru said, "The ancients avoided color, and the followers of Confucius and Mo heard that Qi died of eating his daughter. They watched the song and then went back to the car. It's like fire prevention in water to avoid drowning in the corner of the mountain. This is not what you want. Why are you horny? If you are a minister, you grew up in the west, living alone in a remote place with spacious rooms.
To the east of the minister, there is a woman with rich clouds, beautiful eyebrows and teeth, full of colors and beautiful scenery. Constantly arrogant and concerned about the west, I want to stay as a minister. Climbing the wall and looking at the minister, I have been here for three years, and I have abandoned it. I secretly admire your majesty's lofty righteousness, and ordered me to travel from the east, pass through Zheng and Wei, pass through mulberries, and head for the palace at dusk.
Go to the palace to rest, lonely and empty, the door pavilion is covered by the sun, and it is as warm as a god. I formed my family and built my room. It's really fragrant and fragrant, and my account is high. There was a woman alone, lying quietly in bed. Wonderful and beautiful, beautiful and beautiful. Seeing that he was late, the minister smiled and said,' Who is the son of He Guo? "Nothing will never be far away," so I put wine into the piano.
I went on to play the piano, which was a piece of secluded white snow. The woman is singing:' I am lonely in the room. I miss beautiful women and feel sad. Why is there no beauty? The sun is setting. Dare to lean forward and think independently. "Hosta hangs my crown, and Luo sleeve blows my clothes. It is dusk, the wind is bleak, the snow is falling, the empty room is quiet, and there is no voice.
So the bedding is old, the clothes are strange, the gold smells good and the curtains are low. The mattress is heavy and old, and the corner pillows are applied horizontally. Women wear clothes to show their blasphemy. Hao's body is exposed, but his weak bones are rich in muscles. You'll be as slippery as fat. I am determined by my pulse, my heart is in my arms, and I swear I will never come back. Turn high and say goodbye to him. "
Origin: Fu on Beauty is a poem written by Sima Xiangru, a poet in the Western Han Dynasty.
Extended data
At the beginning of this poem, it is assumed that I (the first person) was slandered, which leads to my lewdness below. With the ancient sages and sages as the foil, the focus is on my affair on my way to Liang, which once again highlights my lewdness, thus showing the author's idea of adhering to high morality and integrity.
The language of Quanfu is beautiful and beautiful, and it mobilizes many senses to complete the description of beautiful women, which is quite unique in artistic techniques. The concept of Fu is obviously influenced by Song Yu's "Lustful Fu of the Black sheep", but it has its own uniqueness.
Eat drink man woman is human nature. The author's attitude of approaching women without being moved by women is based on the legend of Liu Xiahui, which is too moral and idealistic. From the perspective of human nature, it is not necessarily desirable. However, from an artistic point of view, there are also some noteworthy places, such as being good at selecting typical cases.
Only two concrete examples are introduced in the work, which all illustrate their lewdness. The former said that the oriental women's care for themselves for many years showed the author's persistence in resisting beauty; The latter emphasizes the amorous feelings of women entering the palace and highlights the author's firmness in refusing temptation. There is a difference between the two, and the meaning is fully expressed.
It has changed the ridiculous and cynical attitude of literary courtiers, so it is very serious, and it also contains the author's respect for women.
Baidu encyclopedia-beauty fu