16 bits of data represent 16 "" or "1" binaries.
The "bit" here refers to "bit", and a "bit" represents a "" or a "1" binary.
Similarly, 32 bits of data represent 32 "" or "1" binary; 64-bit data represents 64 "" or "1" binaries.
bit is the smallest unit of information, and it is the information contained in one bit of binary number or the required information of one of two options.
for example, if the word length of a computer is 16 bits, that is, 16 binary bits, then the numerical information it represents is -65535. The amount of information necessary to represent 26 Latin letters is 5 bits (because 16 <: 26< 32)。
Extended data:
Bit is the smallest unit of information, and there are only two states: and 1.
these two values can also be interpreted as logical values (true/false, yes/no), algebraic symbols (+/-), activated state (on/off) or any other binary attribute.
a byte is 8 bits, an English letter usually takes up one byte, and a Chinese character usually takes up two bytes. The minimum information unit that an ordinary computer system can read and locate is byte, that is to say, in fact, an ordinary computer system cannot accurately read and locate information at the bit level.
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-Bit