It's a branch of the German shepherd? White varieties are listed separately because they are not common? Like most purebred dogs? Not popular because you're white? But only AKC (as the most authoritative dog organization in the world) does not recognize it as a German shepherd (but there is also the American White Shepherd Association)? But in some countries? Only white German shepherd dogs? Because it was first recognized by Switzerland? And was named Swiss white shepherd? Become white abroad? Shepherd. Dogs? Namely. White sheepdog?
Both in appearance and personality are similar to German shepherd dogs. Please refer to Baidu Encyclopedia for descriptions of other purebred dogs.
As for the domestic market of this dog? Although less? But not a rare species? Is there a kennel in the big dog market? But compared with common varieties such as golden retriever Labrador? The starting price will definitely not be very low, right? Thousands. No problem.