Then you can catch it when you transform. Then deal with it.
* Class Description: enter a string of numbers in this class.
* Numbers will be entered in descending order and printed.
Public taxis {
*blankNum records the number of spaces.
*intNums[] records the value of a string segment with an array.
*input records the input string.
int int nums[];
String[] is empty;
String input;
* function: getInputString ()
* Function: record the input string.
public void getInputString() {
System.out.println ("Please enter a sort plastic number: enter format number+space+number");
Try {
buffered reader buffered reader = new buffered reader(new InputStreamReader(
system . in));
input = buffered reader . readline();
}catch (exception e) {
* function: filterSpace ()
* Function: filter out the spaces before and after the string and those with more than two spaces in the middle to be calculated.
public void filterSpace() {
* Delete spaces at both ends of the string.
*trim () function removes spaces at the beginning and end of the string.
* Use format: str = str.trim ()
input = input.trim()。
* Read the string in turn, and intercept the string when two or more spaces are found.
* Enter input+space+intercepted string after the intercepted string.
for(int I = 0; I & ltinput.length (). i++) {
if(input . charat(I)= " & amp; & ampinput . charat(I+ 1)= ' '){
input = input.substring(0,I)+" "+input . substring(I+ 1,input . length());
* Function: setArray ()
* function: separate strings with spaces and convert the segmented contents into numeric types.
public boolean setArray() {
* Divide the string into segments with spaces, and record the contents of each segment in an array string of text type.
string[]string = input . split(" ");
* Convert the text array type to an integer.
Boolean flag = true;
int nums = new int[string . length];
for(int I = 0; I< string. Length; i++){
Try {
int nums[I]= integer . parse int(string[I]);
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println ("input error, please re-enter:");
flag = false
Return flag;
* function: sortedIntDes ()
* Function: Compare sizes and sort from small to large.
public void sortedIntDes() {
for(int I = 0; I & ltintNums.lengthi++){
for(int j = I+ 1; j & ltintNums.lengthj++){
if(intNums[I]& gt; intNums[j]){
int intTemp
int temp = int nums[j];
int nums[j]= int nums[I];
int nums[I]= int temp;
* function: printArray ()
* print out the arranged numbers.
public void printArray() {
for(int I = 0; I & ltintNums.lengthi++){
System.out.println ("Numbers from small to large:"+int nums [i]+"");
public static void main(String[]arge){
Taxi taxi = new taxi ();
for(; ; ){
taxis . getinputstring();
taxis . filter space();
taxis . sortedintdes();
taxis . print array();