Like us humans, when we see a snake again, we will feel very scared. When a snake moves, it always sticks out its tongue. In fact, a snake's tongue is called a letter. Its main function is to collect the chemical components contained in the air. The snake's tongue is slender and forked.
It keeps sticking out its tongue when it moves, and when it retracts into its mouth. It will produce a strong sense of smell, and then it will judge what its environmental conditions are. This is a defensive measure of the snake itself, and it can always know what its surrounding environment is.
Although the snake's own nostrils can smell some smells, its tongue has a stronger sense of smell, so it can make the snake's tongue have the sense of smell. There are many kinds of snakes. Most of their bodies are slender, their limbs have degenerated, and their bodies are covered with scales. Although the snake itself is slender, it is an animal belonging to the spine.
If you cut off the fork on the tip of the snake's tongue, it will lose the ability to track the smell, if you block the detector's closed nostrils at Shekou. It will lose its ability to distinguish and turn around. So go ahead. The snake's tongue is very important to it. And its tongue is also very powerful, don't become high-tech.
Most of them live on land, some live in treetops and some live in water. Distributed in Antarctica, New Zealand, Ireland and other regions, all over the world. They often eat some mice, frogs, insects and so on.