After the cream is softened, add the sieved powdered sugar and stir well.
Beat the eggs into egg liquid, add exercise 1 several times and mix well.
Add the sieved low flour into practice 2 and stir evenly to obtain dough.
Divide the dough into equal parts, put one part in a plastic bag, roll it flat with a rolling pin, put it in the refrigerator 15 minutes, and take it out after the dough is frozen hard.
Put another portion of dough into a baking tray, shape and flatten it by hand, and then coat it with strawberry jam.
Finally, stack the frozen dough from step 4 on the strawberry jam.
After brushing a layer of egg liquid on the surface of dough,
Poke some fine holes with a fork and bake in the upper layer of the fish oven 170℃ for 25 minutes.