What about subcutaneous induration after liposuction?
& ltp> First of all, if you have just finished surgery, it is very common for your skin to have slight unevenness and induration in a short time after liposuction, which is caused by a small amount of blood stasis and tissue damage during the operation, and it will gradually become soft and flat after 3 months. & lt/p & gt; & ltp style = \ " text-align:center \ " & gt; & ltimg src = \ "/uploadfile/image/20191227/157740785642591.png \" title = \ "liposuction case in 365mc hospital \" height = \ " 264 \ " border = \ " 0 \ " vspace = \ " 0 \ " style = \ " width:400 px; Height: 264px \ "/>; & lt/p & gt; & ltp> If there is still an obvious lump half a year after operation, it may be caused by uneven liposuction or incomplete absorption of local large blood clots, and physical therapy such as massage and hot compress can be used to improve it. If they can't improve, they can only choose a second operation. & lt/p & gt; & ltp style = \ " text-align:center \ " & gt; & ltimg src = \ "/uploadfile/image/20191227/1577407856959769.png \" title = \ "liposuction case in 365mc hospital \" alt = \ " Height: 280px \ "/>; & lt/p & gt; & ltp> This problem is mainly caused by inflammatory nodules or organized hematomas formed by subcutaneous tissue injury and fat liquefaction, and most of the reasons for this problem are doctors. & lt/p & gt; & ltp style = \ " text-align:center \ " & gt; & ltimg src = \ "/uploadfile/image/20191227/157740785639916.png \" title = \ "before and after liposuction in 365mc hospital \" " 363"height = \ " 257 \ " border = \ " 0 \ " vspace = \ " 0 \ " style = \ " width:400 px; Height: 257px \ "/>; & lt/p & gt; & ltp> If the fat layer sucked out is too deep, pits will appear, which is called unevenness; If you inhale too lightly, the skin will become hard, and the surface will be pigmented, indurated and uneven. In addition, if the doctor does not carefully squeeze out unabsorbed fat and liquefied fat during liposuction surgery, or does not exert excessive pressure after surgery, the skin will also become hard. & lt/p & gt; & ltp style = \ " text-align:center \ " & gt; & ltimg src = \ "/uploadfile/image/20191227/1577407856535124. png \" title = \ "Comparison of arm liposuction cases in 365mc hospital in Korea. " " height = \ " 295 \ " border = \ " 0 \ " vspace = \ " 0 \ " style = \ " width:400 px; Height: 295px \ "/>; & lt/p & gt; & ltp> Therefore, no matter what surgery you do, the doctor's skill and aesthetic sincerity are very important, so you must choose carefully! & lt/p & gt; Science popularization of<p>& ltstrong & gt related knowledge: