Forehead reduction surgery has been around for many years, but it has always been popular in Europe. Now Karen Show’s Dean Kang has introduced this technology and improved it, and it has been used in major research A paper on forehead reduction was published at the meeting, and it has received attention and invitations from the Anti-Aging Association, providing more and more perfect options for more people.
Dean Cai Hecheng (the leader of ASO protruding mouth surgery in South Korea) pointed out: protruding mouth surgery involves tooth extraction + osteotomy and forward movement of the front part of the jaw bone. There is no need to tie the teeth; the risk of bleeding is very small. The recovery period is short and only requires one day of hospitalization;
However, double-jaw surgery involves osteotomy and movement of the rear of the upper and lower jaw bones. No teeth are extracted, but the teeth need to be bound for three days. The risk of bleeding is relatively high! The recovery period is relatively long and requires three days of hospitalization.
So I suggest you don’t perform double-jaw surgery if the problem can be solved by mouth protrusion surgery.