16 bits, 32 bits, 64 bits and 8 bits represent the length in the memory. For example, the starting offset address of data A in the memory is 0x008C9E54, and the 16 bits are F, then he The memory location is the address from 0x008C9E54 to 0x008C9E54+F
The calculation method is sizeof
One byte occupies 8-bit binary
For example, integer Variable. Unsigned int is minus 1 from 0 to 2 to the power of 32, while signed int is minus 1 from negative 2 to the power of 31 to positive 2 to the power of 31.
In computers, integer variables occupy 4 bytes, which is 32 bits of storage space. For signed numbers, the positive and negative signs must occupy a separate bit. So excluding the sign bit, the absolute value of the number occupies 31 bits. This is the difference between signed and unsigned.
CHAR refers to a single double-byte (16-bit) Unicode character
String is a sequence of zero or more double-byte (16-bit) Unicode characters
To put it simply, CHAR is equivalent to one section of the linked list, while string is equivalent to multiple sections or even the entire linked list. They are essentially the same, but the difference lies in the range of their representation
Object variables are stored as 32-bit (4-byte) addresses that can reference objects in the application or in some other application.
You can then specify a variable declared as Object to reference any actual object recognized by the application. Object variables can also be used to store various types of data variables. This feature allows the Object type to replace the Variant type in VB 6.0, as shown in the following example:
Dim objDb as Object
objDb =New DAO.Field()
When declaring object variables, please use a specific class instead of a general Object (for example, use TextBox instead of Control, or like the above example, use "Field" instead of Object). Before running the program, VB.NET can decide which properties and methods refer to objects of a specific type. As a result, the application will run faster. Specific classes are listed in the Object Browser. When using objects from other applications and enumerating objects in the "Class" list in the "Object Browser", you should declare the object. This ensures that vb.net can identify the specific type of object referenced and resolve reference problems at runtime. .