# include & ltiostream & gt
# include & ltiomanip & gt
# include & ltcmath & gt
# Define PI 3. 14 15927
Use namespace std
int main()
{//C++ Find the absolute value: abs () for plastic and fabs () for floating point.
Double r;
And (CIN >; & gtr){
cout & lt& ltsetprecision(2)& ltSTD::fixed & lt; & ltfabs(r)& lt; & ltendl
Returns 0;
Extended data:
Absolute value function in c language
Different types of data use different types of absolute value functions:
1, integer:
int abs(int i)? //Returns the absolute value of the integer parameter I 12.
2. plural:
Double cab (complicated structure znum)? //Returns the absolute value of the complex number znum? 1
3, double precision floating-point type:
Double fab (double x)? //Returns the absolute value of the double-precision parameter X 1
4. Long integer:
Dragon labs (dragon n)? //Returns the absolute value of long integer parameter n.