It is said that the lion is the king of beasts. It has golden fur, a huge body and a fierce face. It should be proud of it, but it is not. It is not only unhappy about it every day, but also troubled about it every day. Why? If you want to know, please read on.
The size of a lion is one of the best in the world, and of course its weight will be heavier accordingly. For this reason, the lion is unhappy all day. How it wants to be as petite and lovely as a rabbit; It wants to be as agile as a monkey; He wants to be as cute as a dog ... One day, when he was hunting, he met a little white rabbit. As soon as the lion saw the white rabbit, he immediately gave a sigh of admiration: "Wow, you are so cute! If only I could be like you. " "What's the matter with you? You are so old. Which animal can touch you? "
So the lion had a whim and said to the little white rabbit, "Why don't we go to Dr. Monkey, the king of medical skills?" "Good ah, good ah! Then I am no longer afraid of animals bullying me! " The little white rabbit said excitedly. Then, they came to the monkey hospital. As soon as I entered the hospital, I saw many recovered patients exercising in the hospital, some climbing rockeries and smiling; Some are practicing shooting, in full swing; Some are practicing skipping rope, sweating like a pig ... Just entering the treatment area, the lion and the rabbit see the monkey doctor treating many people, some are looking at their necks, some are looking at their stomachs, and some are looking at their eyes ... Anyway, all kinds of intractable diseases have been solved by the monkey doctor. Seeing this scene, the lion and the rabbit admired the monkey doctor and finally squeezed into an empty seat. The lion and the rabbit hurried to tell the story to the monkey doctor. The monkey doctor operated on them immediately.
Although it is the "king of medical skills", there are always mistakes. No, it overrode the bravery of the lion and the rabbit. The monkey doctor felt embarrassed and kept the secret in his heart. After leaving the hospital, the lion and the rabbit began to play. However, the original lion became even afraid of ants, and the original rabbit was quite bold, but it had no skill and was afraid of being recognized by others. In this way, lions and rabbits live in fear every day. Finally, one day, the lion and the rabbit couldn't stand it anymore, so they went to the monkey hospital and asked the monkey doctor to restore them to their original state. The monkey doctor helped them realize their wish again.
After the operation, both the lion and the rabbit were filled with emotion. They no longer worry because they know what is best for them.