Deformity repair after cleft lip operation can solve the collapse of nasal alar. The specific methods are as follows: along the incision line, cut the subcutaneous tissue of the skin to the surface of alar cartilage, flip the flap, peel off the dorsal skin and alar cartilage extensively, separate most of the alar cartilage of the affected side (except the lateral foot) from the skin mucosa, cut off the medial foot if necessary, fully lift it up and sew it with the contralateral nasal cartilage and nasal septum cartilage, and then fix and sew the alar cartilage of the affected side with the ipsilateral nasal cartilage and nasal septum cartilage with No.4 absorbable thread. If the affected alar droops, the alar margin can be removed as suggested by Dr. Deneckc and Dr. Meyer when treating bilateral cleft lip nose. Patients with alar cartilage dysplasia can be repaired by auricle cartilage or rib transplantation.
Different hospitals in different regions have different prices. I suggest you consult several regular hospitals and choose according to your own situation.