Gender: Male Clinical Title: Chief Physician
Department: Department of Otolaryngology Work Unit: PLA General Hospital (30 1 Hospital)
technical characteristics
Diagnosis and treatment of deafness and vertigo, otorhinolaryngology, otoneurosurgery, skull base and head and neck tumors.
Unit position
Director of the Institute of Otolaryngology, General Hospital of PLA, deputy to the Eighth and Ninth National People's Congress, member of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee, member of the discipline evaluation group of the State Council Academic Degrees Committee, expert of National Medical Products Administration drug evaluation expert group, member of the evaluation expert group of the Ministry of Health, and member of the evaluation expert group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Judge of National Science and Technology Progress Award, Standing Committee of PLA Medical Science and Technology Committee (7th session), Chairman of PLA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Professional Committee, Chairman of China Otolaryngology Society, Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Otolaryngology Journal, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Journal, Chinese Medical Journal (English Edition), Honorary Society of Australian Otolaryngology Society, and European Otolaryngology-Head and Neck.