Phomopsis vickers Etsyd。 ) Hart. Fungi belonging to Phomophilum, Semifungi, Coelomycetes, Coccidae and Phomophilum. The black spots on the mildew spots of eggplant pseudostems are conidia of the pathogen. Initially buried under the host epidermis, it is exposed through the epidermis after maturity. The fruiting body is attached to the base alone, which is convex and has a small hole with a size of (55 ~ 400) microns. m×(45 ~ 250)& amp; Microscopic; M, which can vary with the host location and environmental conditions. Conidia have two different forms: one is oval or spindle, and the size is (5 ~ 8)&; Microscopic; M×(2~8) and amp microscopic; M, generally containing 2 ~ 3 oil balls. The other is slender and linear, with one end bent into a hook shape, and the size is (12.2 ~ 28.0) & micro; m×( 1. 18 ~ 2.0)& amp; Microscopic; M. Both are colorless cells.
The sexual generation is Diaporlhe vexans(Sacc. et Syd。 ), belonging to Ascomycetes subfamily. Sexual generation is rarely seen under natural conditions, and it is occasionally seen on the old diseased spots of stems or fruits. Ascomycetes are usually 2-3 aggregated, spherical or oval, with a long or shapeless beak and a diameter of130-350 & micro; M. Ascomycetes are inverted rods with the size of (28 ~ 44) microns; m×(5 ~ 12)& amp; Microscopic; M. Ascomycetes are bisporus, colorless, oblong to obtuse spindle-shaped, slightly overflowing and contracting at the horizontal grid, with the size of (9 ~12)&; Microscopic; m×(3.4 ~ 4)& amp; Microscopic; m .