Current location - Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics Network - Plastic surgery and beauty - realizes file upload, and annotates the codes of FileUpdate.aspx.cs and FileHandler.ashx realizes file upload, and annotates the codes of FileUpdate.aspx.cs and FileHandler.ashx
void btnAdd_Click(Object s,EventArgs e){

If (UpFile。 HasFile){// Judge whether there is a file.

If (checkfiletype (upfile.filename)) {//Determines the file type.

AddFile(UpFile。 File name, upload file. file content); //Call the AddFile method

rptFiles。 DataBind(); }//Data binding



///method to add files

///Input parameters: file name and file stream upload.

///Output Parameter: None

Private void AddFile (string file name, system. IO. streaming)


Sqlconnectioncon = new sqlconnection(...)// Create a new database connection.

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand ("Insert file (file name) value (@ file name;" +" SELECT @ Identity = SCOPE _ Identity()",con); //

cmd。 Parameters.addwithvalue ("@ filename", file name); //Parameter assignment

SqlParameter idParm = cmd。 Parameter. Add("Identity ",SqlDbType. int);

idParm。 Direction = parameter direction. Output;

Using (con){// Use using for garbage collection.

con . Open(); //Open the database connection

cmd。 ExecuteNonQuery(); //execute the insert statement

int newFileId = (int)idParm。 Value; //Convert the value of idParm into an integer and assign it to newFileID.

StoreFile(newFileId,upload,con); //Call the file saving method.



///Save file method StoreFile

///Input parameters: file number fileID, file stream upload and connection command connection.

///Input parameter: None

Private void StoreFile(int fileId, stream upload, SqlCommand connection) {

Int bufferLen = 8040// Declare the variable bufferLen and assign 8040.

BinaryReader br = new binary reader (upload); //Instantiate the binary reader and read the upload stream.

byte[] chunk = br。 read bytes(buffer len); //Reads a bufferLen byte array from the stream, promotes the current position to bufferLen and stores it in the chunk array.

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand ("update fileset filebytes = @ buffer where fileid = @ fileid", connection);

cmd。 parameters . AddWithValue(@ FileId,FileId); //Parameter assignment

cmd。 Parameter. Add("@Buffer ",SqlDbType. VarBinary、bufferLen)。 Value = chunk; //Parameter assignment

cmd。 ExecuteNonQuery(); //Execute the update statement

Sqlcommand cmdapend = new sqlcommand ("update file set FileBytes. WRITE(Buffer, Null, 0) where FileId=@FileId ",connection);

cmdAppend。 parameters . AddWithValue(" @ FileID ",FileID);

cmdAppend。 Parameter. Add("Buffer ",SqlDbType. VarBinary,buffer len);

chunk = br。 read bytes(buffer len);

And (chunk. Length & gt0){// Read the data stream circularly.

cmdAppend。 Parameter ["@Buffer"]. Value = chunk;

cmdAppend。 ExecuteNonQuery();

chunk = br。 read bytes(buffer len);


br。 close(); //close BinaryReader
