Korean three-point double eyelid surgery. Double eyelid surgery is a very common plastic surgery. Korean three-point double eyelid surgery is popular. This double eyelid effect is very good and looks very realistic and perfect. People who love beauty can adopt the following methods. Today we will look at the Korean three-point double eyelid method in detail. Korean three-point double eyelid surgery involves making three small incisions in the upper eyelid skin at the inner, middle and outer parts of the area where the double eyelid folds are to be formed. At the same time, part of the orbicularis oculi muscle is removed to cause adhesion between the upper eyelid skin and the tarsal plate. Part of the orbital septal fat can be removed at the same time to improve swollen eyelids. Because the incision is small, the scar is not obvious, but there may be cases where the patient relapses and becomes a single eyelid. The width and shape of the double eyelids are determined before surgery. Use a pen to draw a surgical marking line on the upper eyelid where the double eyelids are formed, which is the double eyelid line. Specifically, the Korean three-point double eyelid method is the following steps:
1. Make small incisions of 2-3mm along the inner, middle and outer sides of the double eyelid line;
2. Remove part of the muscle;
3. If necessary, part of the orbital septum fat will be removed at the same time;
4. Suture the incision skin; 5. Use gauze strips to bandage the wound with pressure.