Test analysis: There are two 3 small questions in this question. It belongs to the level of understanding. To answer the first question, first of all, it is judgment, judgment is inappropriate, and then why is it inappropriate? You can answer the reason by combining the language of the textbook. When expressing emotions, we should pay attention to appropriate occasions and ways, and learn to consider the feelings of people around us. Because people's emotions are interlinked and infectious. To answer the second question, we must first catch Zhang Jing and listen to what others say. His behavior is to go out without saying a word. Obviously, his mood should be sad. Just answer with adjectives. The third question is the question of judgment. There are two points to pay attention to when answering the true or false question. One is to make a judgment, and the other is to analyze the reasons. Why is it wrong? Or right. The method of asking this question is simple and not difficult.