And (n! =0)
a[I]= n;
I = i++;
scanf("%d ",& ampn);
Enter an integer first, that is, the variable n.
As long as n is not equal to 0.
Enter the cycle
Assign the value of n to the elements in array A, the array subscript starts from 0, and I should be initialized to 0 instead of 1.
I = i++; Equivalent to i = i;; i++; There is no need to just i++;+; +;
Then scanf ("%d ",&; n); Re-enter the value of n as long as n is not equal to 0.
The loop will continue to assign values to the elements of array a.
The size of array A is 50, and the values in the first 50 must have 0, otherwise it will overflow.
# include & ltstdio.h & gt
# include & ltstdlib.h & gt
Master ()
int i=0,n,m;
int a[50];
Printf ("Please insert data ending in 0 \ n");
scanf("%d ",& ampn);
And (n! =0)
a[I]= n;
scanf("%d ",& ampn);
for(m = 0; M< me; m++)
printf("%d\n ",a[m]);