At the beginning of the story, it was a festive day. Some people sneaked into Chang 'an while enjoying the excitement. A pair of wolves took the opportunity to kill. In such a dangerous event, Chang 'an was in danger, so Li Sicheng, played by Jackson Yi, began to guard Chang 'an, and then launched a series of stories around defending Chang 'an.
It doesn't look very obscure. Why can't anyone understand it? In fact, because it contains many historical events and historical figures, it will make people who don't understand feel strongly uncomfortable.
First of all, in details, Hu Bing and Shuipen mutton exposed in the play are all specialties of Xi 'an. In the costumes of the characters, even the crown, meridian needle, round neck robe and Liuhe boots are clearly arranged in every detail, and the size and grade of each official are also distinguished according to the color of the clothes. The military is stricter, and each family's armor is different, which perfectly reproduces history. Address is not by name, but by name and official position. The details of this road make people feel confused and lose the pleasure of mindless drama.
Moreover, there are countless famous places in the play, all of which are verified. Hejia village's legacy has been verified in history, and people like He in history books have also appeared in TV dramas. Every bridge has a plot that can be dug deep, so I ask, is this plot exciting?
But it may also be because of this depth that it is difficult for people to calm down and watch this drama now, and there will be a situation in which the score of this drama is extremely high, but the amount of viewing is not much.
1, water and fertilizer are suitable. Ziwei likes humidity, but is afraid of waterlogging. So it is recommended not to water.