Which method is used for rhinoplasty?
First, the intranasal route
Total rhinoplasty by intranasal route is also called Joseph operation. This hump nose plastic surgery is to make an incision between the medial nasal cartilage and alar cartilage of the nostril for invisible separation. Then cut off the hump behind the nose, and then file off the surface of bone and cartilage with a bone file. Thus, by narrowing the back of the nose and transforming the lower part of the nose, the camel hump nose plastic surgery is finally completed.
Second, the external nostril method
Total rhinoplasty by external nostril method is also called Anderson-Reese method. The plastic surgery of camel hump nose is to make a nostril margin incision at the junction of middle column 1/3 and lower column 1/3 and the front edge of medial alar cartilage and lateral foot. Using skin incision, the external nasal skin is lifted to the lower edge of the nasal bone, and the periosteum is cut, and then the nasal bone and the periosteum, muscle and skin on its surface are separated through the periosteum incision, thus cutting off the nasal mound under direct vision. No matter what kind of humpback rhinoplasty, nasal packing, plaster and aluminum alloy splint should be done after humpback rhinoplasty.
If you want to do humpback rhinoplasty, I suggest you go to the medical beauty center of Beijing Armed Police General Hospital, which belongs to the national military hospital.