The first stage: small desktop application development
Stage purpose: To master the grammar of Java language, understand the object-oriented programming idea, and be able to skillfully use Java language to develop small desktop applications.
Basic training operating system and network basics Learn the installation and use of windows system and linux system, be able to skillfully use common commands of windows system and linux, and master practical skills and network management.
Java object-oriented programming studies the characteristics of Java language, the structure of Java classes, the construction of Java development and running environment, Java data types, process control, array use, association, inheritance, method coverage, polymorphism, object classes, interfaces, Java comments, enumeration, exception handling, assertion and so on. , and master the basic syntax and characteristics of Java, and understand the idea of object-oriented programming.
Java core programming studies Java collection classes and commonly used data structures and algorithms, the loading and running principle and process of Java programs, file system management and file operation API, date and time processing API, reflection API and so on. And master the development of Java multi-thread concurrent application, so as to quickly improve Java programming ability.
Java network programming to learn the characteristics and applicable fields of different network protocols, Socket/UDP/HTTP programming, and master Java network programming skills.
Design of enterprise instant messaging system in project actual combat
The second stage: the application development of small and medium-sized websites
Objective: To master the skills of database design and development, and skillfully use JavaEE component technology to develop small and medium-sized website applications.
Database Oracle Database Management and Development Learn the creation, modification, deletion and data manipulation of objects such as tables, views and stored procedures, and common SQL statements such as query, grouping, subquery, join query, sorting, database installation and database management. And can skillfully use Oracle database to develop and write correct and efficient SQL statements.
UI development webpage development basics Learn the core technologies of webpage development such as HTML, CSS, DOM and JavaScript, master the most commonly used webpage development skills and skills, and understand the commonly used JS and CSS libraries.
XML learns the function, verification and analysis of XML files, and can skillfully use XML for data encapsulation and transmission.
Ajax learns the basic concepts, operating mechanism and JSON of Ajax, grasps the way of Ajax cross-domain access, and can use Ajax technology for asynchronous communication, local refresh and other programming.
JavaEE component develops JSP to learn the essence of JSP, its running process, common scripts, hidden objects, EL expressions, JSTL tags, custom tags, exception handling, etc., and can skillfully use JSP to develop dynamic pages.
Servlet learns the concept of Servlet, its development and deployment, its access, its basic characteristics, its life cycle, sessions, filters, listeners, installation, configuration and management of commonly used application servers, file uploading and downloading, and server message pushing. , master session tracking technology in WEB environment, skillfully use servlet to develop server-side components of MVC pattern, and understand the matters needing attention in MVC pattern development.
The framework technology JDBC is based on Oracle/MySQL database. Learn the basic features, advanced features, transactions, concurrency control, the realization principle and configuration method of database connection pool, and be able to skillfully use JDBC for database access encapsulation.
Struts 2.0 learns basic concepts, workflow, operation principle, controller startup sequence, OGNL expression, interceptor, user-defined interceptor, data encapsulation, type conversion, action component, result component, Struts tag, model-driven interceptor, i 18n internationalization, token token, file upload, etc. And skillfully use struts framework for MVC programming.
Hibernate learning realization principle, operation flow, overview of Hibernate persistence, persistent objects and configuration, manipulation of persistent objects, one-to-many association, one-to-two association, many-to-many association, Hibernate retrieval strategy, Hibernate retrieval mode, configuration of connection pool, secondary cache, etc. And skillfully use Hibernate framework for persistence programming.
Spring learns the realization principle of Spring framework, such as dependence injection control inversion, aspect-oriented programming, declarative transaction, programming transaction, JDBC integration, Hibernate integration, Struts integration, etc., and skillfully uses Spring framework for integration.
Spring MVC learns the basic concepts, operation process, working mechanism, handlerMapping, controller, annotation-based controller, ModelAndView, ViewResolver, exception handling, interceptor, data transmission, internationalization, type conversion and verification of Spring MVC, and skillfully uses Spring MVC to program MVC.
MyBatis learns the basic concepts, working mechanism, running process, data source configuration, typeHandlers, plugin, select, insert, update, delete, sql, resultMap, cache, logical judgment, trim, where, set and foreach of myBatis, and skillfully uses MyBatis framework to integrate Spring for data layer programming.
WEB project actual combat logistics operation management system (LES), power marketing management information system, rail transit business management system and so on.
The third stage: industrial practice of software engineering.
Stage purpose: Be familiar with the software engineering process and specifications, and apply the skills learned in the first three stages to practice in the software engineering industry.
Software engineering methodology software requirements analysis, UML, object-oriented analysis and design, design pattern, software architecture, software development process management.
In the actual combat of the software engineering project, the tobacco monopoly management system, the city one-card business management system, the manufacturing enterprise production execution system (MES) and so on are completed by a five-person team with the project process of China Soft International Standard.
The fourth stage: professional quality training and employment.
Stage purpose: to improve teamwork ability, professional ethics, communication skills and interview skills, successfully interview and become a standard IT professional.
Project Manager Discussion Invite the project managers of well-known enterprises at home and abroad to discuss with the students, so as to know the real needs and requirements of enterprises for talents in time, and know yourself and know yourself.