Garden revetment is a kind of protective engineering structure, which consists of foundation, wall and roof. , and it is required to be firm and stable during construction. Piling or sinking firewood rafts are often used as measures to strengthen the foundation of revetment.
Choose a solid boulder as a block, or use a lime soil layer with a widened cross section as a foundation to build a revetment on it. The revetment should be built directly on solid soil or rock foundation. If the foundation is weak, it must be dealt with.
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Garden revetment can be divided into integral and natural types according to the cross-section shape. For large-scale water bodies, water bodies with large wind and waves and large water level changes, and garden water bodies with basic rules, the whole straight revetment form is often adopted, and the shore wall is built with stone, brick or concrete.
For small water bodies and a small part of large water bodies, as well as water bodies with stable water level in natural gardens, natural rocks or gentle slopes with vegetation are often used for slope protection. Natural rock revetment can be made into diagenetic, stony, cliff, headland and other shapes, and it takes the form of upward extension and downward contraction and horizontal suspension.
Baidu encyclopedia-refuting the shore