What items are needed for PM2.5 detector based on 5 1 single chip microcomputer?
PM2.5 sensor, available on Taobao, is the price. You know, it's cheap but not good. Then, if possible, make a shaping circuit, which needs an operational amplifier, mainly to shape the waveform output by the sensor. Then add a display. Organic light-emitting diodes are good, small and high resolution, especially suitable for handheld devices, but a little expensive. Then the power module. Go to TI to apply for several power chips and switch to 5V type (ps, operational amplifier can also be applied). There are other crystal oscillators, keys, resistors and capacitors, and nothing more. You can go to Taobao to see the molded PM2.5 detector and see which modules are on it, so that you will have a better understanding.