The method of massage can be tried. Yan Yafu painted it on his nose, tightly clamped the muscles at his eyebrows with his thumb and forefinger, and pulled it to both sides. The middle finger and ring finger of her left hand are placed between the eyebrows, and the middle finger and ring finger of her right hand are placed on the nasal ridge. Then, her fingers relaxed and kept pulling gently 15 seconds. If she does this every day, her nose will get better.
You can also use some auxiliary gadgets. For example, the nose bridge booster corrects the nose shape. The use of the nose booster is very simple, and it is also very easy to buy. It can be directly clamped on both sides of the nose. You can use this gadget anytime and anywhere every day, which is convenient and practical.
If it's not troublesome, make-up can also change the problem that the nose is too flat from a perspective.