Wang, a 24-year-old girl, received a phone call from her father's friend in his sixties and came uninvited. The girl refused again and again, but the man still refused to give up. He kept texting and calling Wang.
Under the constant deception of men, Wang went to the man's home alone at 9 o'clock that night. It was this decision that cost the king his precious life. After arriving at the man's home, he wanted to infringe on Wang, and Wang struggled to resist and disagreed. How can a weak woman be better than a man when two people fight? Finally, Wang was killed, dismembered and thrown into the trash can downstairs.
Girls should protect themselves under any circumstances. Have a strong sense of prevention. Be wary of people around you, whether strangers or former friends. Especially for a girl, her life safety is always the most important, and everything should be considered first.
Father's friend tricked the girl into going home.
In many homicide cases in China, most of the victims are women. Girls must learn to protect themselves and strengthen their awareness of prevention in life.
2011165438 Wang, a 24-year-old girl, received a phone call from a friend of her father and invited her to his house for dinner. The girl didn't agree, but he wasn't going to give up. He kept calling and texting the girl, and finally the girl promised him.
At 9 o'clock that night, the girl Wang came home alone. It was this decision that ruined her precious life and disappeared into this world at the age of flowers and pure jade.
The girl's body was found.
Aunt Chong, a resident of the same community, is going to find some leftovers thrown away by neighbors in the trash can the next morning. She saw a piece of meat in the plastic bag and thought it might be ground meat, so she picked it up and prepared it for her dog. Aunt Chong has been transferred from the trash can in Building 3 1 to Building 32 until she comes to the trash can in Building 33. There are two bloody hands in it.
This frightened the aunt, called the dead while running, thinking that the meat she had just picked up might also be part of the body, and quickly called the police. After the police arrived at the scene, they immediately conducted a comprehensive search of the trash can in the community. The police found the body fragments in the No.37 trash can.
Considering that the garbage may be transported to the recycling station, the police immediately contacted the property to find the garbage collection point in the community. Sure enough, the lower body and a head were found at the scene.
After careful investigation by the police and viewing the surveillance video of the community that night, it can be preliminarily judged that the victim should have been killed in Building 37. The suspect Jilun Wang was locked by the police. When the police went to his house to arrest him, he still sat quietly in the house. The police searched his residence and found the weapon to kill the girl.
The murderer was brought to justice and told the truth.
The police took Jilun Wang to the police station, and he gave a detailed account of the crime. On the night of the incident, Wang, a friend's daughter, was tricked into her home by a series of means, ready to invade her. However, she kept resisting, and they had an argument. In desperation, Jilun Wang grabbed the girl's neck, and the girl choked to death. Later, he cut the body with a kitchen knife and threw it into the trash can of the community.
In the end, the case was closed and the suspect was sentenced to death.
Do you want to relax your vigilance against familiar people again?
In this case, the girl is still too careless and credulous, which leads to her losing her precious life. It is inevitable that we trust others in society, but we should be careful in everything and prepare for the worst, which is the greatest protection for ourselves. Girls, in particular, should always be alert to others, don't be deceived by other people's sweet words, learn to tear off each other's hypocritical mask and communicate with each other on the premise of ensuring their own safety.
When our rights and interests are infringed by lawless elements, we should dare to fight against illegal acts within our own power and be a good citizen who can distinguish right from wrong. Don't do things that violate the law and discipline, and have the courage to assume social responsibilities.