According to experts, bags under the eyes have various manifestations. According to the eyelid skin, orbicularis oculi muscle and orbital fat, it can be divided into four types: type ⅰ only has skin relaxation and subcutaneous fat atrophy; In type ⅱ, besides skin relaxation and subcutaneous fat atrophy, orbicularis oculi muscle is also relaxed; In addition to the above characteristics, type ⅲ also has orbital fat prolapse; Type Ⅳ orbital fat bulge is serious, and the tension of skin and orbicularis oculi muscle is acceptable. General life beauty can not completely eliminate bags under the eyes, but only delay the formation of bags under the eyes. Therefore, if you want to remove bags under the eyes, you can choose to do bags under the eyes surgery.
Do pouch removal surgery: pouch removal surgery is divided into internal incision method and external incision method. Internal cutting is suitable for younger people, with good skin elasticity, but subcutaneous fat accumulation, mostly genetic or congenital. External incision is suitable for older people with loose skin and serious prominent bags under the eyes. Experts say that the operation of removing bags under eyes is not a simple fat removal, but a rearrangement of fat to restore the youthful structure, improve prominent bags under eyes and highlight fatigue.