Such as chronic digestive system diseases, intestinal parasitic diseases, endocrine dysfunction, infection, neuropsychiatric factors and genetic factors.
2. External factors
Such as food (fish, shrimp, cattle, mutton, etc. ), inhalants (pollen, house dust mites, etc. ), environmental changes (high temperature, dryness, etc. ), animal fur, various chemicals (cosmetics, synthetic fibers, etc. ), etc.
The clinical manifestations of eczema patients are mainly dense miliary papules, papules or small blisters in the lesions, and their bases are red, which will gradually merge with the development of the disease. If you scratch a papule, papule or blister, there will be obvious punctate exudation or millet surface at the top, and the edge is unclear.
1, general processing:
Look for possible causes, such as working environment, living habits, diet, hobbies, thoughts and emotions, whether there are chronic diseases, internal organs diseases and so on.
2, drug therapy:
Patients can use antihistamines to relieve itching, and if necessary, they can be used together or alternately. For patients with systemic eczema, glucocorticoid can be taken orally or injected, but it is not suitable for long-term use. Patients can also choose appropriate external drugs according to the skin lesions;
For acute eczema, normal saline, 3% boric acid or1:2000 ~1:10000 potassium permanganate solution can be used to wash the wet compress, and calamine lotion can play a role in convergence and protection;
For subacute and chronic eczema, appropriate glucocorticoid cream, tar preparation or immunomodulator can be selected, such as Hibik cream, tacrolimus ointment and pimecrolimus ointment. Second-time infected people need antibiotics.
Eczema should pay attention to health habits, clean in place, exercise more, drink more water, and soak feet with Chinese medicine. Under the guidance of doctors, the professional treatment of eczema is still very effective. I hope you don't give up the treatment, and you will get a good cure. It is very important to form good habits.
# Breeze Plan # # Breeze Fitness Theory #