Hyaluronic acid itself is not harmful to the human body.
Most cases of blindness after injection are due to the fact that the medical aesthetic units and doctors consulted are irregular and do not have relevant qualifications. As a result, the medicine used during the injection is unqualified, or the injector does not have the corresponding professional qualifications, and the injection techniques for facial injection are superficial or even ignorant, and the injection is performed at a risk.
The blindness caused by the injection of hyaluronic acid mentioned here is most likely because the drug was mistakenly injected into the facial blood vessels during the injection under the above conditions, and the blood circulation at the injection site was blocked, resulting in damage and necrosis of the soft tissue of the eye. Loss of vision. Another situation is that due to long-term injection of long-acting hyaluronic acid products, unabsorbable substances accumulate in blood vessels, block blood vessels, compress eye nerves, and lead to blindness.