Hehe, his other, his other (after the verb), his other things (nouns)
She, she, she, she (after the verb), her thing (noun)
It it it, its its, it it it (after the verb), its its thing (noun)
They, they, they, theirs, theirs, theirs, theirs, theirs, theirs (after the verb), theirs, theirs, their things (nouns).
The first person (I):
I, I, I, I, I (after the verb), I, my things (nouns)
We we, our us, we we (after the verb), our (our things)
The second man said (you):
You, you, yours, yours, you, you (after the verb), yours, your thing (noun)
Make a table according to the above, which I think should help you understand better.