Wang Anshi's argumentative essay is profound and wonderful, and he can prove his point with many words. He is firm in belief, generous and ambitious to change the secular atmosphere. So a 10,000-word memorial was played, with the following effect: "Nowadays, the financial resources in the world are getting poorer and poorer, and the customs are getting worse and worse. The fundamental reason is that the rulers did not understand the statutes and did not follow the policies of the previous dynasty. Imitating the policies of the former king is just imitating his starting point (original intention). Imitate his starting point, then my reform and change will not make the whole world stunned, nor will the whole world open its mouth against me, because my policy conforms to that of the former king. Increase the country's financial resources with the help of the world, and supply the country's expenses with the country's financial resources; Ruling the world since ancient times, there is no shortage of financial resources. What is worrying is that there is no way to increase financial resources. "
At first, the appointment of the court was issued many times, but Wang Anshi did not accept it. Ministers all thought that he had no intention of being an official and regretted not knowing him. Every time the imperial court appoints an official with a good reputation, it is worried that he will not accept the appointment. By the time Wang Anshi rose, no one who heard about it was unhappy.