This problem involves scientific counting methods. A number is represented by the n power of ax 10, where a is greater than or equal to 1 less than 10, and n is an integer and not 0, which is a scientific counting method.
When a number is expressed by scientific counting, there is a very simple method, that is, multiply it by the power of 10 (that is, what is the value of n). For a number, if there are both integers and decimals, you only need to count how many digits there are in the integer, but you can get the value of n by subtracting 1 from this digit. For example, 123456789.96543 is expressed as a scientific count, which is 1.23x 10 8.
For decimals, the value of n is the number of zeros starting from the first non-zero number on the left. For example, 0.00000000 100003 means that the scientific count is 1.0x 10 9.
The above should help you.