As long as the blood supply is sufficient, the ability of liver to recover and regenerate itself is amazing. This means that its important work of expelling toxins from the body can continue. If you wonder why even alcoholic's liver function sometimes improves, it's because liver cells only have a life span of about 15 days. David Lloyd, a liver surgeon at the Royal Leicester Hospital in England, explained: "I can remove 7% of the patient's liver in one operation, and about 9% of the liver will grow in just two months."
However, the soft tissue cells (the main cells of the liver) of alcoholics may be gradually damaged, forming scar tissue-that is, "sclerosis". Therefore, although a healthy liver can constantly renew itself, the sclerosis injury is eternal and sometimes even fatal. Drunk once = acute hepatitis once!
2. The renewal cycle of taste buds: 1 days
Professor Damien Wemsley, a scientific consultant of the British Dental Association, explained that there are about 9, taste buds on the tongue, which help us feel sweet, salty, bitter or sour. Taste buds themselves are a collection of cells on the surface of the tongue, and each taste bud has about 5 taste cells. Taste buds usually only need 1 days to 2 weeks to renew themselves. However, any factors that cause inflammation, such as infection or smoking, will damage taste buds, affect their renewal and weaken their sensitivity. Drinking cold drinks will also make the taste buds shrink and degenerate in advance because of insufficient blood supply.
3. Brain renewal cycle: the same as your life span
John Wadley, a neurosurgeon at Bart and London Hospital in England, pointed out that most cells that can last for life are found in the brain. Wadley said: "We have about 1 billion brain cells. At birth, the number of brain cells has been fixed, and the development of brain cells from to 3 years old is complete. Most cells in the brain don't regenerate. Will continue to die with age. However, cells in two parts of the brain will renew themselves, the olfactory bulb that dominates our sense of smell and the hippocampus that is used to learn. "
The main raw material of brain cells is protein. According to the theory in Huangdi Neijing, "the brain is the sea of marrow, while the kidney stores essence to produce marrow", so nourishing the kidney is the fundamental point to prevent Alzheimer's disease. There is also a principle that children born to women with kidney cold and blood deficiency can easily lead to cerebral palsy or fools!
4. heart renewal cycle: 2 years ago
people always thought that the heart could not renew itself. However, a study by New York Medical College found that the heart is full of self-renewing stem cells, and the heart can repair itself as long as it is provided with enough high-quality protein and other nutrients.
5. Lung renewal cycle: 2 to 3 weeks
Keith Pross, deputy director of the British Lung Foundation, explained that lung cells constantly renew themselves. However, the lung has different cells, and their renewal speed is different. The cell renewal process of bubbles or air sacs located deep in the lungs for exchanging oxygen and gas is stable and takes about one year. At the same time, the cells on the lung surface must renew themselves every two to three weeks. Dr. Pross said: "They are the first line of defense of the lungs, so they must be updated quickly." The main cause of emphysema is the serious shortage of protein, which leads to the formation of permanent "holes" in the lung wall.
6. eye renewal cycle: the same as your life span
eyes are one of the few body parts that will not change during your life. The only constantly updated part of the eye is the cornea, and the raw material of the cornea is protein. Rob Hogan, dean of the British College of Optometrists, said that if the cornea is damaged, it can recover within 24 hours. Hogan said: "The cornea must have a smooth surface in order to concentrate light well. This is why this cell updates so quickly. " Unfortunately, this is not the case in other parts of the eye. As our old saying goes, the lens will lose its elasticity, which is also the reason why our eyesight is getting worse with age. There is also a reminder to friends who wear contact lenses that the cleaning solution left in contact lenses will directly corrode the cornea and lead to blindness.
7. skin renewal cycle: 28 days
the surface layer of skin will renew itself every 2 to 4 weeks. This rapid renewal is because the skin is the outer protection of the body, and it is easily exposed to damage and pollution. Although the skin is constantly renewing, we will still be covered with wrinkles with age. That's because our skin loses collagen and elasticity with aging. Epithelial cells are very active cells in the human body, which constantly die and grow. If you don't take a bath often, you will feel "mud" on your skin. This "mud" is actually the "corpse" of apoptotic epithelial cells.
8. Bone renewal cycle: 1 years
Peter Sebi, an osteoporosis expert at Manchester Royal Hospital in England, explained that bones will constantly renew themselves. It will take 7 to 1 years to complete this update. Osteoclasts break down old bones, and osteoblasts are responsible for making new bone tissue. Because the speed of renewal in the body is different, old bones and new bones always coexist. After middle age, the renewal speed of bones will slow down, so our bones tend to become thinner, which is the reason for the formation of osteoporosis.
9. Renewal cycle of small intestine: 2 to 3 days
Intestinal villi are distributed on the small intestine. These villi are small finger-like antennae, which can increase the surface area and help the small intestine absorb nutrients. Bart and Tom Mcdonald, professor of immunology at London Hospital, explained that they update very quickly, every two or three days. This is because villi cells are directly decomposed into amino acids and absorbed by the human body every day, especially those who don't eat on time and work or live under great pressure, which is why modern people often have symptoms of poor intestinal digestion and absorption.
1. nail renewal cycle: 6 to 1 months
nails are composed of cells rich in keratin. Fingernails grow by 3.4 mm every month, which is about twice as fast as toenails. The complete growth of toenails takes 1 months, but the complete growth of fingernails takes only 6 months. This may be because they have better blood supply and better circulation. Young people and men's nails grow faster, which may be because they have better circulation. Therefore, Chinese medicine theory holds that onychomycosis is caused by micro-vascular blockage.
11. Hair renewal cycle: 3 to 6 years
Dr. Besam Faga, a hair restoration expert, explained that the life of hair depends on its length, but it usually grows 1 cm every month. A woman's hair can grow for 6 years, and a man's hair will grow for 3 years. Eyebrows and eyelashes are updated every 6 to 8 weeks, but frequent eyebrow pulling will cause eyebrows to stop growing, because eyebrow pulling will destroy this cycle.
12. Renewal cycle of red blood cells: 4 months
Red blood cells are an important transport system of the body, which transports oxygen to liver tissues and discharges wastes. Their renewal frequency is 4 months. When the liver excretes the iron necessary for healthy red blood cells, the remaining cells in the spleen will be destroyed. Because of injuries and women's menstrual damage, the body often synthesizes more red blood cells. With a life cycle of 8-12 days, we have 3 million red cells apoptosis every day, and the same number of red cells grow. Red blood cells have no nucleus, so they can't divide. Their growth is formed by the division of hematopoietic stem cells in bone marrow. Red blood cells are carriers of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Anemia is caused by insufficient red blood cells.
13. The renewal period of white blood cells: 13-2 days.
White blood cells are derived from bone marrow stem cells. White blood cells are also immune cells, responsible for attacking all foreign objects in foreign bodies and waste cells in the body itself. Therefore, when the body is attacked by viruses or bacteria to produce inflammation, the division of white blood cells will increase at a faster rate. When we test the blood, the doctor will tell you that there is inflammation when the white blood cells are high. Doctors understand that leukemia is due to the endless production of white blood cells by stem cells of white blood cells, which destroys the structure of blood and creates a balanced relationship among various systems. However, in the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine in Huangdi Neijing, the increase of white blood cells is a signal that a large number of cells are aging, dead and piled up into garbage because of the weakness of kidney and insufficient yang, which needs to be cleaned up in time. The correct treatment method is to warm the yang, supplement enough nutrients to help the body clean up, improve immunity quickly and clean up the body waste. As long as you continue to supplement enough nutrients, your body will recover quickly.