# Contains? & ltstdio.h & gt
# Contains? & ltstdlib.h & gt
int? Master ()
int? a[5];
int? I,j,k;
for(I = 0; I < = 4; i++)
scanf("%d ",& ampa[I]);
for(I = 0; I < = 4; i++)
for(j = 0; j & lt=4; j++)
if(a[I]& gt; a[j])
k = a[I]; ? a[I]= a[j]; ? a[j]= k;
Printf ("sorting result: \ n");
for(I = 0; I < = 4; i++)
printf("%d\t ",a[I]);
Return? 0;
Extended data:
Data type keyword
Short: decorated int, short integer data, decorated int can be omitted. (Introduction to K & ampr Period)
Long: decorated int, long integer data, decorated int can be omitted. (Introduction to K & ampr Period)
Long long: decorated int, which is a long integer data, and can be omitted. (New content of C99 standard)
Signed: modifies integer data and has a signed data type. (C89 standard has been added)
Unsigned: decorated integer data, unsigned data type. (Introduction to K & ampr Period)
Restrict: used to define and constrain pointers and indicate that pointers are the only and initial way to access data objects. (New content of C99 standard)
Complex type keyword
Structure: Structure declaration. (Introduction to K & ampr Period)
Trade union: consortium statement. (Introduction to K & ampr Period)
Enumeration: Enumeration declaration. (C89 standard has been added)
Typedef: declare type alias. (Introduction to K & ampr Period)
Sizeof: Get the size of a specific type or variable of a specific type. (Introduction to K & ampr Period)
Inline: Inline function is used to replace macro definitions and will be expanded wherever it is called. (New content of C99 standard)
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