If it is a TVP, it is recommended to use 2VF after 2 mines, and keep sending out TANK. When it reaches a certain number (as long as you think you can defend it), turn out the mine car, and at the same time speed up and harass.
Push out and open 3 mines, don't go far. At the same time, 4 VF thunder trucks were placed, and then they slowly advanced.
The architect recommends not editing VF after editing it into 4567. It is recommended to use F2 F3 F4 for quick switching. Radar 890.
TVT, it is recommended to use 2VF1VS to harass, open 3 mines (gas extraction immediately), and at the same time place all 4VF robots, and use transport planes to harass the opponent's 3 mine progress. Then put down the 2VF in the 4th mine (immediately extract gas), and you can upgrade the attachment depending on the situation.
At this time, you can basically send troops continuously to protect the transport aircraft. It is best not to die.
Same as TVP.
TVZ starts mining with 1BB, puts down the sub-mine and builds BRBA together. After the mine is ready, put down the second BB and BE at the same time. Continue to be a farmer until it is saturated.
When the population is 50, put down the third BB and VF, and then VS will release the technology ball. After the first technology ball comes out, put down 3 BB at the same time, suppress it and open 3 mines. After 3 mines are added, put down 3 BBs, 9BB Keep attacking!
Building formations are not recommended, there are too many