If you are Xiao Qingxin, pack your bags and travel to Lijiang! If you are a martial arts fan, you must want to see the Dali described by Jin Yong and the residence of Duan Yu! If you read Wen Yiduo, if you read Wang Zengqi, if you read Lin. Then you must go to Kunming, where they once lived, and look for those years of exile!
After introducing my hometown, let me introduce myself. You can call me Zhou Zhou, Jia Jia or Zhu Meng. Haha, these are my nicknames. After reading the above introduction, I think you can feel my cheerful and bright personality without saying much. I have many hobbies, like practicing yoga, reading novels and walking around (ps: this should not be a trip).
I like swimming (ps: I'm a great swimmer, you can come to see me pk). I like dancing, humming, sunbathing and sometimes drinking tea. Recently, I am addicted to cooking (ps: although I only learn to cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes).
I like listening to Han Deer's music, occasionally watching Wilde's fairy tales, and I like Audrey Hepburn (PS; I don't know if any friends like me), I will also listen to Fish Leong and Jacky Cheung.
? Well, I've said a lot, so let's stop here. Brief introduction of Jia Jia.