Compare the P experimental results of 1 and 6 # test tubes. People can know that saliva can digest starch, because saliva contains P salivary amylase to decompose starch; Comparing the experimental results of 1 test tube and No.3 test tube, we can know that chewing with teeth and stirring with tongue are helpful to the digestion of food P, because chewing with teeth and stirring with tongue can fully mix food with digestive juice, increase the contact area between food and digestive enzyme P, and be beneficial to the digestion of food P. 。
(3) The catalytic ability of enzyme P is also affected by temperature P, and low temperature or high temperature will affect the activity of enzyme P; If the clear water of (human) test tube P is replaced by saliva, and then the test tube (1) and (human) are put into P water at 37℃ and 8℃ respectively, the P salivary amylase in human test tube will lose its activity, and the P starch in test tube will not decompose, and it will turn blue after dropping iodine solution.
So the answer is: (1) No.65438+0&n He SP; & ampn he sp; & ampn he sp;
(human) saliva; Salivary amylase; Tooth p chewing and tongue p stirring.
(3) Number of people