The ear plastic surgery takes about 2-3 hours and is a relatively complex operation. The most common surgical method is to make a small incision behind the ear to expose the ear cartilage. The cartilage is then sculpted and bent toward the back, closer to the skull. Absorbable sutures are now often used for suturing to maintain the shape of the ear. Sometimes, the surgeon will remove a piece of cartilage so that the ear crease will look more natural after surgery. Another technique makes similar incisions behind the ear. A portion of the skin is removed and the ear cartilage is held in place with sutures to keep it folded without removing the cartilage. Since ear plastic surgery is a relatively complex surgical plastic surgery, it is recommended that beauty seekers stay in the hospital for observation after the surgery and wait for complete recovery under general anesthesia. After the operation, the patient's head will be wrapped with a large amount of dressings and bandages immediately to ensure shaping and healing. Mild throbbing or pain in the ear for a few days can be controlled by taking painkillers. After a few days, remove the bulky dressing and wrap it with a small bandage. At this time, follow the doctor's instructions. The sutures are usually removed within a week. Any activities that affect ear folding should be stopped within one month. Adults can return to work 5 days after surgery, and children can go to school one week later, but be careful to avoid physical activities.