//Exchange the highest byte and the lowest byte
int n 1 = 0x ff 000000 & amp; n;
int n2 = 0x000000ff & ampn;
n =(n & amp; 0x 00 ffffff)|(N2 & lt; & lt24);
n =(n & amp; 0x ffffff 00)| n 1;
//Swap the middle two bytes
n 1 = 0x 00ff 0000 & amp; n;
n2 = 0x0000ff00 & ampn;
n =(n & amp; 0x ff 00 ffff)|(N2 & lt; & lt8);
n =(n & amp; 0x ffff 00 ff)|(n 1 & gt; & gt8);
Returns n;
int main()
int n = 12345678;
printf( "n=0x%x\n ",n);
int N2 = RevertHex(n);
printf( "n2=0x%x\n ",N2);
Returns 0;
The hexadecimal code of 12345678 is: 0xBC6 14E (it can also be regarded as 0x 0bc 6 14E). After conversion, it is 0x4e6 1bc00.
If you don't want it at 00, you can think of another way.