First, the emergence of prominent conditions
Asking this question actually contains the answer to be answered? Beauty, no matter where it looks good, is definitely the most attractive thing at first sight, and people themselves are better at discovering beautiful new things, so they will definitely see beautiful things at first sight, and the eyes of the whole hospital are attracted by her, which proves that everyone's aesthetic conditions are still very consistent to some extent! Moreover, this person's aesthetics are roughly the same.
Second, I can dress better.
Many people just don't look good in clothes. That kind of beauty is definitely different. Even if it is ordinary white, you can wear a sense of temperament. Although I don't wear makeup at work, a little light makeup can give people a little delicate feeling. Generally speaking, this is a kind of dressing, unless it is natural. In fact, ordinary people will put on makeup if they dress up a little. Is that an old saying? There are no ugly women, only lazy women.
Plus one is personality. Maybe some people are naturally fond of laughing and bring their own affinity, so it will definitely make people feel more comfortable and can talk. These are the conditions for extra points. In fact, it is very important for a beautiful woman to have a skin, but the interesting soul inside is more attractive, so even if she is not particularly beautiful, it will be unexpected to dress up a little or change her personality. Of course, her personality is definitely not easy to change. It doesn't matter.
Isn't that right? That beauty doctor is very beautiful. What charm does she have? The whole hospital was stunned. ? Maybe you have other different opinions, please write them in the comments section below and discuss them together.