Health and safety is the premise of the improvement of plastic surgery methods and the invention of instruments, and making people natural and beautiful is the driving force of the improvement of plastic surgery methods and the invention of instruments. With the development of society, people's aesthetics are also improving. Even if it wasn't myself, there were later people to update the liposuction methods and equipment. Fortunately, God cares for those who have the heart and hard work. They can take the lead in updating liposuction surgery to the present sculpture surgery, which can meet the requirements of beauty seekers for beautiful figure changes. Colleagues said that after an operation, a plastic surgeon can only sleep well if he meets the reasonable requirements of beauty seekers. Fortunately, he is a doctor who sleeps well now.
I often say to beauty seekers: I am not operating on you, I am operating on myself. For a beauty seeker, it may be the first plastic surgery, or it may be the only plastic surgery in a lifetime. Empathy, I shouldn't and can't have regrets during the operation. So I will treat every operation like my own.