How to draw a rounded rectangle in PS and transform the angles of X, Y, W, H, H and V in the control?
Click to draw a rectangular chart in the toolbox, and various shapes will appear. The second is a rounded rectangle. After drawing, you can adjust the size of the fillet in the property bar above. Fillet adjustment: 1. You can set the feathering value before using the selection tool, and then draw a rectangular box with the selection tool, and the rounded rectangle will come out, and then you can stroke it, but it is more troublesome. 2. Change the controls under the filter and drag them to the position you want. What about x, y, w, h, angle, h and v in it? X (horizontal position) Y (vertical position) W (width) H (length) H (horizontal oblique cutting) V (vertical oblique cutting) Free transformation Free transformation commands can be used to apply transformations (rotation, scaling, oblique cutting, twisting and perspective) in continuous operations. Deformation transformation can also be applied. You don't need to choose other commands, just hold down a key on the keyboard to switch between transformation types. Note: If you want to transform the shape or the entire path, the Transform command will become the Transform Path command. If you want to transform multiple path segments instead of the entire path, the Transform command will become the Transform Point command. 1 Select the object to transform. 2 do one of the following: choose edit > free transform. If you want to transform a selection, pixel-based layer, or selection boundary, select the Move tool. Then select Show Transformation Control in the options bar. If you want to transform a vector shape or path, select the path selection tool. Then select Show Transformation Control in the options bar. Do one or more of the following: If you want to zoom by dragging, drag the handle. Hold down the Shift key while dragging the corner handle to scale proportionally. To scale by number, enter percentages in the Width and Height text boxes of the Options Bar. Click the link icon to maintain the aspect ratio. To rotate by dragging, move the pointer out of the bounding box (the pointer becomes a curved double arrow) and drag. Press Shift to limit the rotation to 15 degree increments. To rotate according to the number, enter the degree in the Rotation text box of the options bar. To twist relative to the center point of the outline, hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and drag the handle. To twist freely, hold down the Ctrl key (Windows) or the Command key (Mac OS) and drag the handle. To chamfer, hold down Ctrl+Shift (Windows) or Command+Shift (Mac OS) and drag the edge handle. When positioned on an edge handle, the pointer changes to a white arrow with a small double-headed arrow. If you want to chamfer according to the number, enter the angle in the H (horizontal chamfer) and V (vertical chamfer) text boxes of the options bar. To apply perspective, hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows) or Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS) and drag the corner handle. When the pointer is placed on the corner handle, it will turn into a gray arrow. To transform, click the Switch between Free Transform and Transform Mode button in the Options Bar. Drag control points to transform the shape of the project, or choose a transformation style from the Transformation pop-up menu in the options bar. After choosing a deformation style from the Deformation pop-up menu, you can use the square handle to adjust the shape of the deformation. To change the reference point, click the box on the reference point locator in the Options Bar. To move the item, enter the new position value of the reference point in the X (horizontal position) and Y (vertical position) text boxes of the Options Bar. Click the relative positioning button (triangle button) to specify a new position relative to the current position.