It can be cured with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. As for radical cure, just like a cold, it is hard to say that it will recur. But pay attention to the following points, at least when there are few or initial symptoms, they can be controlled. Sneezing still needs to be played out, which is the process of expelling the cold in the body! For specific explanation, please refer to my space article and discuss with your. Chinese medicine is not allergic, so if you clear your nose at the same time, it is recommended to drink Ganmao Qingre Granules, which will generally improve in 3 days.
Important methods must be followed:
1, put on pajamas to sleep, the purpose is to protect the legs and meridians from the cold at night, you can try wearing pajamas every other day and compare the effect yourself;
2, improve the level of blood, be sure to go to bed early and get up early, don't stay up late, massage the gallbladder;
3, usually catch a cold, stay away from air conditioning, refuse cold drinks, sweat more in summer, and quickly dry your legs and soles after bathing;
4, conditional hot water soaking feet, it is best to soak the whole calf;
5. Moderate aerobic exercise.
So don't use any drugs and don't have surgery. Keep warm and sneeze. For example, drink some cold-clearing granules when clearing your nose.
Finally, let's talk about the influence of seasons and climate, that is, colds are often in summer, and August and September are high-incidence periods, especially when the seasons change or the weather is abnormal. There are also many people who say that it is easy to relapse in another place or environment. It is easier to catch cold when sleeping in summer, and it is best to wrap the quilt when it is cold. Because you may kick the quilt in summer, you must wear pajamas and sneeze in summer. After beginning of autumn, many people began to get serious. Because of the large temperature difference between morning and evening, they are more likely to catch a cold in the latter half of the night. When I returned to the northeast in early August, I also sneezed in my pajamas, indicating that I still caught a cold when I opened the window at night. Also, it is very important to improve your blood level, which is the foundation of health! I give you advice from my personal experience and the study of Chinese medicine knowledge!
Nasal congestion and nosebleeds are occasional symptoms. Please take my advice first and see the effect in a few days.