Standard for physical examination of pilots
I. Surgery
1, height less than 164cm or greater than 178cm, arm length less than 68.5cm and weight less than 48kg are unqualified.
join the army
2. Obvious emaciation, weakness, obesity, abnormal body shape and poor development are unqualified.
3. The head and neck are obviously asymmetrical, the skull is deformed, the skull is traumatic and fractured, and there is a history of intracranial surgery, which is unqualified.
4. Obvious torticollis, thyroid tumor and tuberculosis of lymph nodes are unqualified.
5. The chest is obviously deformed, and the history of chest organ surgery is unqualified.
6. Those who have a history of abdominal organ surgery are unqualified. Simple appendicitis, inguinal hernia, surgical cure without sequelae qualified.
7. Abnormal genitourinary system and unqualified diseases such as cryptorchidism, obvious testicular dysplasia, epididymal tuberculosis and high varicocele. After treatment, hydrocele of tunica vaginalis and varicocele were qualified, and there was no recurrence and sequelae.
8. Obvious pelvic inclination and abnormal gait.
9. Limb development deformity, cubitus varus is obviously asymmetrical, genu varus is more than 6cm, fracture deformity heals and affects function, which is unqualified.
10, varicose veins of lower limbs are high, squat function is obviously impaired, and it is unqualified.
1 1, the spine is obviously kyphosis, and the waist curvature is more than 5cm, which is unqualified.
12, annular hemorrhoids, anal fistula, chronic anal fissure, proctoptosis and other diseases are unqualified.
13, infectious, difficult to cure, serious illness, large area, affecting the beauty of the skin disease is unqualified. The scabies is qualified after being cured.
14, the scar affecting the function and appearance is unqualified.
15, the tattoo is unqualified.
Second, internal medicine.
1, systolic blood pressure exceeding 140mmHg, lower than 100mmHg, diastolic blood pressure exceeding 90mmHg or pulse pressure difference lower than 30mmHg are unqualified.
2, heart valve disease rational murmur, premature beats more than 5 times/minute, as unqualified.
3. In supine position, the liver is larger than 1.5cm and the spleen is larger than 0.5cm, which is unqualified.
4. Standing and touching the right kidney is more than 2/3 of the whole kidney, and the left kidney is more than the whole kidney 1/3, which is unqualified.
5, there are all kinds of infectious diseases and medical history, chronic diseases and the history of each system, as unqualified. Viral hepatitis before 7 years old is qualified if it has no recurrence after cure.
6. Abnormal ECG is unqualified.
7. Laboratory examination: abnormal liver function, HBsAg positive, urine protein positive, red blood cell positive unqualified.
8. Thoracic tuberculosis, calcified lesions in lung field and lung apex, obvious adhesion between diaphragm and pleura, and unqualified pleural effusion.
9.b-ultrasound showed changes in liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and nephropathy, and the thickness of spleen exceeded 4.2cm, which was unqualified.
Third, neuropsychiatry.
1, the following medical history is unqualified: coma history, syncope history, epilepsy, psychosis and family history, frequent headache history, sleepwalking history, frequent enuresis after 10 years old.
2. Nervous system diseases, injuries and medical history are unqualified.
3. Pathological reflex is positive or physiological reflex is obviously asymmetrical and unqualified.
4, skin scratch sign strong positive or obvious autonomic nervous function instability is unqualified.
5. nystagmus is obvious, and those with unequal pupils are unqualified.
Four, otolaryngology
1, the hearing loss is unqualified.
2, external ear deformity or chronic disease is unqualified. The accessory auricle is qualified.
3, tympanic membrane perforation, adhesion, high invagination, thickening, atrophy, thinning and other diseases are unqualified.
4, otitis media is unqualified.
5, the sense of smell is unqualified.
6. Severe upper nasal septum deviation, rhinitis, nasal polyps and polypoid degeneration are unqualified. Chronic simple rhinitis is qualified.
7. The throat diseases that affect pronunciation are unqualified.
8. Obvious occlusion deformity is unqualified.
9. More than four pairs of teeth fall off, gingival abscess, hyperplasia and atrophy are unqualified. Qualified after cure. 10, temporomandibular joint dysfunction is unqualified.
V ophthalmology
1 and C-type meters whose naked eye vision is lower than 1.0 are considered unqualified.
2, color blindness, color weakness is unqualified.
3, strabismus is unqualified.
4. Unqualified eye diseases that are difficult to cure or easy to recur and affect visual function.
5. The history of corneal diseases and corneal refractive correction that affect visual function is unqualified.
6, pupil deformation, dyskinesia and polypupil disease is unqualified.
Civil aviation recruitment physical examination:
People's Republic of China (PRC) civil aviation industry standard civil aviation flight students
1: Physical examination and appraisal standard M7007.3—95 1 Subject content and scope of application This standard mainly stipulates the physical examination conditions of flight students.
Two: This standard is applicable to flying students at school. 2 Refer to GBL 6408.3- 1996 "Standard for Physical Examination and Appraisal of Civil Aviation Flight Students".
The conclusions of physical examination and appraisal are divided into: a. flight qualification; B. Temporary disqualification; C. unqualified. General situation 4. 1 should have normal physiological function, good psychological quality and social adaptability.
Three: there should be no:
A. congenital or acquired abnormalities;
B. Active, latent, acute or chronic diseases;
C. sequela of trauma.
IV: 16f The shape, deformation, defect or damage that affects the function are unqualified. Malignant tumor or benign tumor that affects physiological function is unqualified.
Five: the spirit and nervous system
5. 1 Mental disorder, psychosis and their medical history are unqualified. Acute infectious and toxic mental disorders are qualified without sequelae after being cured.
5.2 Abnormal behavior and unqualified morbid personality.
5.3 neurosis? Individual evaluation of neurotic tendency.
5.4 Sleep disorder is unqualified.
5.5 Drug addiction and alcohol addiction are unqualified.
5.6 The speech disorder is unqualified.
5.7 Unexplained and difficult-to-prevent consciousness disorder is unqualified.
5.8 epilepsy is unqualified.
5.9 Central nervous system diseases and injuries are unqualified.
5.9. 1 Acute infectious diseases of central nervous system are qualified without sequelae after being cured.
5.9.2 Closed craniocerebral trauma with disturbance of consciousness, no clinical symptoms after ground observation for one to three months, and the EEG is normal and qualified.
5.9.3 The loss of consciousness after closed craniocerebral trauma was less than 30 min, and there was no skull fracture. After six months of ground observation, individual evaluation was carried out.
5. 10 Recurrent headache is unqualified.
5. 1 1 serious peripheral nervous system diseases are unqualified.
5. 12 serious autonomic nervous system diseases are unqualified.
5. 13 muscle diseases affecting function are unqualified.
Six: psychology. Poor psychological quality is unqualified.
Seven: respiratory system
7. 1 Chronic diseases and respiratory dysfunction are unqualified.
7.2 Tuberculosis is unqualified. Tuberculosis was cured within one year, healthy and qualified.
7.3 Spontaneous pneumothorax is unqualified.
7.4 The thoracic organ is unqualified after operation.
Eight: circulatory system
8. 1 cardiovascular disease is unqualified.
8. 1. 1 borderline hypertension is qualified without obvious symptoms.
8. 1.2 Acute viral myocarditis was cured without sequelae.
8.2 ECG is obviously abnormal and unqualified. I degree atrioventricular block and simple sT-T changes excluded organic lesions.
8.3 Irrecoverable peripheral vascular diseases are unqualified.
Nine: Digestive system
9. 1 serious digestive system diseases, dysfunction or postoperative sequelae are unqualified.
9. 1. 1 peptic ulcer is qualified after being cured.
9. 1.2 After appendectomy or repair of external abdominal ulcer, there is no retreat after ground observation for one to three months.
9. 1.3 rectal and anal diseases were cured without dysfunction.
9. 1.4 After three months of treatment, residual stones and degeneration were found at the end of reexamination, which was qualified.
9.2 viral hepatitis is unqualified.
9.2. 1 After acute hepatitis is cured, there is no abnormal change on the ground for half a year to one year.
9.2.2 Simple hepatitis B surface antigen positive is qualified.
X: urogenital system
10. 1 urinary system diseases and injuries are unqualified.
10. 1. 1 acute urinary tract infection is qualified after being cured.
10. 1.2 acute nephritis is qualified after being cured.
10. 1.3 The physiological proteinuria is qualified.
10. 1.4 Non-pathological hematuria is qualified.
10.10.5 After the treatment of urinary calculi, no residual stones and sequelae were qualified. 10.2 serious reproductive system diseases are unqualified.
Eleven: hematopoietic system hematopoietic system diseases are unqualified. Mild anemia, clear etiology, good therapeutic effect and qualified.
Twelve: metabolism, immunity, endocrine system metabolism, immunity, endocrine system diseases are unqualified. Mild diffuse simple goiter is qualified.
Thirteen: motor system diseases, injuries and their sequelae are unqualified. After the fracture is cured, the function is normal and qualified. After the joint injury or dislocation is cured, there is no recurrence and the function is normal and qualified.
Fourteen: skin and its appendages
14. 1 unqualified skin and its accessory diseases. Individual evaluation of neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and idiotic fever.
14.2 STD is unqualified.
XV: Limits and their Accessories
15. 1 Any eye whose farsightedness is less than 0.7 is unqualified. The far vision of any eye is not less than 0.3, the corrected vision with glasses is not less than 1.0, and the ametropia is not more than 3.00 D (spherical lens equivalent). (Be sure to wear corrective glasses and spare glasses when flying. )
15.2 Any eye whose near vision is lower than 1.0 is unqualified.
15.3 abnormal visual field is unqualified.
15.4 color blindness and weak color are unqualified.
15.5 The treatment of night blindness failed.
15.6 eyes and their adnexal diseases were cured, but the eye dysfunction was unqualified.
Sixteen: Otolaryngology and Oral Medicine
16. 1 The hearing in any ear is less than 5m, and the hearing loss of the pure tone audiogram at any frequency of 500, 1000, 2000 Hz air conduction audiogram is 35dB or 3000Hz 50dB is unqualified.
16.2 The treatment of ear barometric dysfunction was ineffective and unqualified.
16.3 chronic progressive diseases of middle ear are unqualified. The tympanic membrane perforation was qualified after healing.
16.4 inner ear disease or vertigo is unqualified.
16.5 airsickness treatment was ineffective and unqualified.
16.6 Chronic progressive diseases of nose and paranasal sinuses that affect the function are unqualified.
16.7 olfactory loss is unqualified.
16.8 chronic progressive throat diseases that affect the function and are difficult to correct are unqualified.
16.9 Chronic progressive diseases of oral cavity and temporomandibular joint that affect the function are unqualified. Appendix A Physical Examination Items, Methods and Identification Principles of Civil Aviation Flight Students (Reference) This appendix includes routine examination items, methods of various subjects and identification principles of some diseases.
All items that meet the requirements of clinical examination shall be carried out according to the clinical examination method during physical examination. Special project inspection can be done when necessary.
A 1 psychiatry and neurology
A 1. 1 routine inspection items'
A 1. 1. 1 medical history collection.
A psychological examination of 1. 1.2.
A 1. 1.3 cranial nerve examination.
A 1. 1.4 physical education examination.
A 1. 1.5 sensory examination.
A 1. 1.6 reflection inspection.
A 1. 1.7 autonomic nerve examination
A 1.2 Key contents of routine examination items: Medical history is more important than current medical history, flight accident symptoms and social adaptation.
See appendix a of GBl6408.3 for others.
A 1.3 identification of diseases
A 1.3. 1 neurotic tendency: if the symptoms are mild, it is easy to recover, and the psychological test score is excellent (above average) or the flight score is excellent, and it will return to normal after exercise or correction.
A 1.3.2 There was no skull fracture within 30 minutes after the loss of consciousness in closed craniocerebral trauma. After half a year's observation on the ground, the EEG is normal, there is no tendency to seizure, and there is no change in intelligence and personality. Excellent psychological test results, qualified.
A 1.3.3 skull fracture of craniocerebral trauma was unqualified.
A 1.3.4 cerebrospinal fluid leakage is unqualified.
A2 operation
A2. 1 routine inspection items
A2. 1. 1 medical history by set.
A2. 1.2 anthropometry.
A2. 1.3 vegetative development.
A2. 1.4 skin test.
A2. 1.5 Lymph node examination.
A2. 1.6 Head inspection.
A2. 1.7 neck examination.
A2, 1.8 Chest examination.
A2. 1.9 Abdominal examination.
A2. 1. 10 Spinal examination.
A2. 1. 1 1 physical examination.
A2, 1. 12 genital examination.
A2. 1. 13 anal examination.
A2 .2 Inspection methods See Appendix A of GBl6408.3 for inspection methods.
A2.3 Collect medical history and ask if there is any history of trauma, physical reaction, hematuria, bloody stool, etc. in sports activities and flight training.
A2.4 disease identification
A2.4. 1 is qualified for localized neurodermatitis and generalized neurodermatitis whose symptoms disappear or basically disappear after treatment.
A2.4.2 Chronic eczema with mild symptoms does not affect sleep qualification.
A2.4.3 After psoriasis treatment, the lesion area is small and the symptoms are mild, which has no influence on sleep and study.
A2.4.4 Vitiligo with small unexposed parts is qualified.
A3 internal medicine
A3. 1 routine inspection items
A3. 1. 1 medical history by set.
A3. 1 .2 Pulse and blood pressure check.
A3. 1 .3 nutritional status inspection.
A3. 1 .4 Head and neck examination.
A3. 1.5 Chest examination.
A3.2 inspection methods see appendix a of GBl6408t 3 for inspection methods. A4 Eye and Its Appendices
A4. 1 routine inspection items
A4. 1. 1 medical history collection.
A4. 1.2 General inspection items.
A4. 1.2. 1 eye protection, conjunctiva and lacrimal apparatus.
A4. 1 .2.2 cornea and sclera.
A4. 1, 2.3 anterior chamber, iris and pupil.
A4. 1 .2.4 lens and vitreous.
A4. 1.2.5 fundus.
A4. 1 .3 Visual function inspection.
A 4. 1.3. 1/ hyperopia.
A4. 1.3.2 Myopia.
A4. 1.3.3 color vision.
A4.2 Inspection methods See Appendix A of GBl6408.3 for inspection methods.
A5 Routine examination of otorhinolaryngology and oral cavity A5. 1
A5. 1. 1 medical history collection.
A5. 1.2 General inspection items.
A5. 1.2, 1 external ear and tympanic membrane.
A5. 1.2.2 External nasal cavity.
A5. 1.2.3 oropharynx and nasopharynx.
A5. 1.2.4 larynx.
A5. 1.2.5 Subtemporal collar joint.
A5. 1.2.6 Oral cavity.
A5. 1.3 function check.
A5. 1.3. 1 hearing function test: whisper test.
A5. 1.3.2 Examination of ear barometric function: a. Examination of ear stethoscope; B. check the nose and air.
A5. 1.3.3 Head low drainage inspection.
A5. 1.3.4 Examination of nasal respiratory function.
A5. 1.3.5 Olfactory examination.
A5.2 See Appendix A of GB 16408.3 for medical history collection, examination method, result evaluation and disease identification. Appendix B- Routine auxiliary examination items for physical examination and identification of civil aviation flight students (reference) B 1 Blood routine (hemoglobin, red blood cell count, white blood cell count and classification). D2 urine routine (urine protein, urine sugar, urine sediment microscopic examination) B3 chest X-ray examination. B4 Liver function, hepatitis B surface antigen.
Supplementary note: This standard is proposed by the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the First Research Institute of Civil Aviation Administration of China. This standard was drafted by the Flight Standards Department of the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China.