Double-click this line and jump to the wrong place. The reason for the error has been told to you, and there is another ";" Missing. Number.
Error [192] e: \ lock2014-9-9 \ Zhiwen soo \ rice \ NJ66xdl.c; 149.42 undefined identifier "BackData2"
Double-click this line again, and the error reason also tells you that the variable BackData2 has not been defined before, and you have to define a compiler to know what it is.
warning[345]E:\ lock 20 14-9-9 \ zhiwenso \ sorice \ NJ 66 xdl . c; 143. 1 inaccessible code
This warning is to tell you that these code compilers will never execute the analyzed code.
warning[357]E:\ lock 20 14-9-9 \ zhi wensoo \ sorice \ NJ 66 xdl . c; 149.5 1 illegal conversion from integer to pointer
This warning is to tell you that it is illegal to convert integers into pointers. Look at the instructions of the compiler.