Why acupuncture can beautify?
In recent years, acupuncture beauty has been paid more and more attention by the medical beauty community. Acupuncture beauty has been widely used in wrinkle removal, freckle removal, whitening, acne removal, desensitization and so on. Why acupuncture can beautify? Because acupuncture can adjust the relationship among the five senses, skin, muscles, bones and muscles, meridians, qi and blood, and viscera, in fact, deficiency leads to diarrhea, and deficiency leads to tonic, thus achieving the functions of eliminating beauty obstacles and beautifying the body. In addition, among the factors affecting beauty, there are six evils (wind, cold, heat, humidity, dryness and fire) besides internal diseases. Generally speaking, the biggest ones are common cold and heat evil (including ultraviolet rays). People's external organs suffer from wind, frost, cold and heat, and the head and face bear the brunt. Acupuncture can promote blood circulation, improve the potential energy of human body (the potential energy decreases correspondingly when people are aging), stimulate human immunity, thus enhancing the resistance to foreign evils and reducing the occurrence of cosmetic obstacles. Acupuncture can replace drugs in the late stage of going to work and acne. Acupuncture weight loss has the functions of regulating appetite and eating center, regulating gastrointestinal function, eliminating edema, reducing blood fat, consuming fat, expelling toxin and clearing intestine. Acupuncture wrinkle removal uses the principle of local tissue congestion and edema after acupuncture in modern medicine. With the advantage of painless and traceless superfine magnetic needle, subcutaneous tissue is stimulated many times to activate hyperplastic granulation, make damaged tissue grow and connect, and tighten local skin with the help of traditional Chinese medicine. Then use a needle instead of a knife to separate the epidermis from the expression muscle, so that the wrinkles depressed by muscle tightening can be released and flattened. Generally speaking, small wrinkles will flatten after 3~7 treatments, and deep wrinkles such as Sichuan wrinkles will need many times. Acupuncture breast enhancement has the functions of tonifying kidney and benefiting qi, soothing liver and regulating qi, promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, stimulating breast tissue regeneration, stimulating pituitary gland to improve estrogen level, delaying menopause and regulating menstruation. Allergic skin can be treated by hanging needles, that is, hanging ultrafine magnetic beauty needles on facial acupoints. According to the theory of treating deep chronic diseases with shallow acupuncture in Neijing of traditional Chinese medicine, after hanging the needle for a few seconds, there will be a phenomenon of "blushing" locally, that is, the reaction of getting qi from acupuncture, thus playing the role of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, resisting inflammation and reducing swelling. After three times, it has obvious curative effect on common allergic skin. Acupuncture beauty can be divided into acupuncture, acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping, and each method has many specific operation methods, such as: acupuncture includes filiform needle method, triangular needle pricking blood method, fire needle, water needle and electroacupuncture. Moxibustion methods include moxa stick moxibustion, moxa stick moxibustion and warm acupuncture. Cupping methods include cupping and pricking.