For ab rod: F-Fab-mgsinα=0.
For cd memory stick: Fcd-mgsinα=0
The magnitude of ampere force on ab and cd rods is Fab = FCD = BIL = BBLABV2RL = B2L2 VAB2R.
By the above three formulas: F=2mgsinα=mg, VAB = 2mgsin α b2l2 = mgrb2l2.
(2) When ab and cd move at the same acceleration a, according to Newton's second law:
Generally speaking: 2mg-2mgsinα=2ma.
For cd stick: BIL-mgsinα=ma
I=mgBL, which is used to express the above two formulas simultaneously.
According to the ohm's law of closed circuit, the induced electromotive force is E=I? 2R=2mgRBL
According to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, the induced electromotive force e = BL (VAB-VCD) = BL △ V. 。
The solution is △ v = 2mrgb2l2.
(1) The magnitude of force F is 2mgsinα, and the speed of ab motion is mgRB2L2. ..
(2) At this time, the speed difference between ab rod and cd rod is 2mgRB2L2. ..