Then we can open the software. We can see a very cute elk icon, and click "magic matting" to enter the matting page.
According to the instructions, we should choose a template first.
4. Next, we will enter the gallery and open the pictures we need to dig. In the brush state, we can smear on the screen with our fingers, and the parts selected as red will be picked out and become the foreground.
5. Click the red arrow in the lower right corner to enter the next step, which is an important part of changing the background of daily P-map matting! There is an option to customize the background in the lower right corner of the picture.
6. Click the custom background to enter the gallery, select a picture you want as the background of the matting, and then we can adjust the size and position of the foreground picture as needed.
7. Finally, click the Save button in the upper right corner to finish all the work!