The following is the relevant information.
VIN is actually the abbreviation of English Veihcle Identify No. , meaning: vehicle identification number. This number has a specific law, and it corresponds to every car one by one, which can guarantee that it will not appear again in the world within 50 years.
L) 1 ~ 3 digits (WMI): manufacturer, brand and model;
2) 4 ~ 8 digits: vehicle characteristics;
Automobile: type, series, body type, engine type and restraint system type;
MPV: Type, series, body type, engine type and rated gross vehicle weight;
Truck: model or type, series, chassis, cab type, engine type, braking system and rated gross vehicle weight;
Bus: model or type, series, body type, engine type and braking system.
3) 9th digit: check digit, calculated according to standard weighting.
4)No. 10: model year (generally marked as the year of vehicle manufacture, which is an important symbol to identify the vehicle).
5)No. 1 1: vehicle assembly plant;
6) 12 ~ 17 digits: serial number.
Serial Number Name Model Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Main Assembly
1 Shanghai Santana
Santana LX/glsvw7180ad lsvaa033 ××××××××× JV engine (1.8L/66kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke carburetor engine) and AHM four-speed manual gearbox.
2 Shanghai Santana car
Santana glss svw7180bd lsvac 033××××××××× JV engine (1.8L/66kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke carburetor engine) and 2P five-speed manual gearbox.
3 Shanghai Santana car
Santana GLISVW7180CEI LSVAF 033 ×××××××××× AFE engine (1.8L/72KW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke EFI engine) and 2P five-speed manual transmission.
4 Shanghai Santana car
Santana LX-LPG SVW7180 DD LS VAB 033 ××××××××× JV engine (1.8L/66kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke carburetor engine), AHM four-speed manual gearbox and gasoline /LPG dual-purpose fuel.
5 Shanghai Santana car
Santana GLS-LPG SVW7180ED LSV AD033 ×××××××××× JV engine (1.8L/66kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke carburetor engine), 2P five-speed manual gearbox and gasoline /LPG dual-purpose fuel.
6 Shanghai Santana car
Santana1.6isvw7160fh ils vag033××××××××××× ayf engine (1.6L/64KW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke EFI engine) and QJ five-speed manual gearbox.
7 Shanghai Santana car
Santana GLS-CNG SVW7180 GD LSVAE033 ××××××××× JV engine (1.8L/66kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke carburetor engine), 2P five-speed manual transmission and gasoline /CNG dual-purpose fuel.
8 Shanghai Santana Gasoline/LPG Dual Fuel Vehicle
Santana Gli-LPG SVW7180 Heilsvak033 ×××××××××× AFE engine (1.8L/72KW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke EFI engine), 2P five-speed manual gearbox and gasoline /LPG dual-purpose fuel.
9 Shanghai Santana gasoline/liquefied petroleum gas
Dual-fuel vehicle
Santana1.6i-lpg svw7160 jhils val033××××××××××××× ayf engine (1.6L/64KW water-cooled four-cylinder four-stroke EFI engine), QJ five-speed manual gearbox and gasoline /LPG dual-purpose fuel.
10 Shanghai Santana station wagon
Santana variant LX SVW7181AD LS VBA 033 ××××××××× JV engine (1.8L/66kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke carburetor engine) and AHM four-speed manual gearbox.
1 1 Shanghai Santana station wagon
Santana variant GLSS SVW7181BDLS VBC033 ×××××××××× JV engine (1.8L/66kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke carburetor engine) and 2P five-speed manual gearbox.
12 Shanghai Santana station wagon
Santana variant glisvw7181ceilsvbf033××××××××××× AFE engine (1.8L/72KW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke EFI engine) and 2P five-speed manual transmission.
13 Shanghai Santana station wagon
Santana variant1.6isvw7161dhilsvbg033××××××××××× AYF engine (1.6L/64KW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke EFI engine) and QJ five-speed manual gearbox.
14 Shanghai Santana 2000 car
Santana 2000 GLSS SVW7182 AD LS VCC 033 ×××××××× JV engine (1.8L/66kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke carburetor engine) 2P five-speed manual transmission.
15 Shanghai Santana 2000 car
Santana 2000glisvw7182beilsvcf033 ×××××××××× AFE engine (1.8L/72KW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke EFI engine) 2P five-speed gearbox.
16 Shanghai Santana 2000 car
Santana 2000 GSI/GSI SVW7182 CFILS VCH033 ××××××××× AJR/AYJ engine (1.8L/74KW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke EFI engine) 2P five-speed manual transmission.
17 Shanghai Santana 2000 car
Santana 2000 GLS-LPG SVW7182 DDLS VCD033 ××××××××××× JV engine (1.8L/66kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke carburetor engine), 2P five-speed manual gearbox and gasoline /LPG dual-purpose fuel.
18 Shanghai Santana 2000 car
Santana 2000 GSI-ATSVW 7 182 EFI lsvcj033××××××××××× ayj engine (1.8L/74kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke EFI engine) FNV four-speed automatic gearbox.
19 Shanghai Santana 2000 gasoline/liquefied petroleum gas dual fuel vehicle
Santana 2000 GSI-LPG SVW7182 FFILSVCM 033 ××××××××××××× AYJ engine (1.8L/74kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke EFI engine), 2P five-speed manual gearbox and gasoline /LPG dual-purpose fuel.
20 Shanghai Santana 2000 sedan
Santana 20001.8 svw7182 gfilsveh033××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××
Lsveh 433×××2×××××AYJ engine (1.8L/74kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke EFI engine), 2P five-speed manual transmission, GPII body.
2 1 Shanghai Santana 2000 car
Santana 20001.8 svw7182 hfilsvhh133×××××××××××× ayj engine (1.8L/74kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke EFI engine), 2P five-speed manual.
22 Shanghai Santana 2000 sedan
Santana 20001.8 at svw7182 jfilsvhj133×××××××××××× ayj engine (1.8L/74kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke GPIII engine), FNV four-speed automatic.
23 Shanghai Passat sedan
Passagery SVW 7183 Agils VCA 49F ××× year×× month× day× month× day× month× day× month× day× month× day× month× day× month× month× day× month× month× month× day× month× month× month× month× day× month× month× month× month × month× month× month × month× month× month × month × month× month × month × month× month × month × month × month × month ×
24 Shanghai Passat sedan
Passat GSI SVW7183 BGI LS VCB49F ××××× year××× month× day× month× day× month× day× month× day× month× day× month× day× month× day× month× day× month× day× month× month× day × month× month× day × month× month× day × month× day × month× month× day × month × day × month× month × day × month× month × month × day × month
25 Shanghai Passat sedan
Passat1.8tsvw7183cj ils VDC 49f ×××××××××××× AWL engine (1.8l/1/0kw water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke five-valve supercharged EFI engine), EZ
26 Shanghai Passat sedan
Passat1.8 tsvw7183 DJ ils VCC 49f××××××××××× awl engine (1.8l/1/0kw water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke five-valve supercharged EFI engine) and EZS five-valve.
27 Shanghai Passat sedan
Passat1.8 tsvw7183e jils vdd 49f ×××××××××××× awl engine (1.8l/10kw water-cooled four-cylinder four-stroke five-valve supercharged EFI engine), EMO
28 Shanghai Passat sedan
Passat1.8 tsvw7183 fjils vcd49f ×××××××××××× awl engine (1.8l/10kw water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke.
Cheng five-valve supercharged EFI engine), EMG five-speed manual gearbox
29 Shanghai Passat sedan
Passat1.8tsvw7183gjils VCL49f××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××
Lsvdl49f××××××××× BGC engine (1.8l/10kw water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke five-valve supercharged EFI engine) and EZS five-speed automatic gearbox.
30 Shanghai Passat sedan
Lsvdm49f×××××××××× BGC engine (1.8l/10kw water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke five-valve supercharged EFI engine) and EMG five-speed manual transmission.
3 1 Shanghai Passat Automobile
Passat V6 SVW 7283 Gkilsvde 29F×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××
Lsvde 49f××××××××× BBG engine (2.8L/ 140kW water-cooled V-type six-cylinder, four-stroke and five-valve EFI engine), EZY five-speed automatic gearbox with sunroof.
32 Shanghai Passat sedan
Passat V6 SVW 7283 HKILS VCE 29F ××××××××××××××
Lsvce 49f××××××××× BBG engine (2.8L/ 140kW water-cooled V six-cylinder four-stroke five-valve EFI engine) and EZY five-speed automatic gearbox.
33 Shanghai Polo Automobile
POLO 1.4 SVW 7 144 Ali lsvfa 29j×××2××××
lsvfa 49j×××2×××2××× 1×2×3×3×4×4×4×5×5×6×5×6×6×5×6×6×6×6×7×6×6×7×8×6×7×8×6×7×8×8×8
34 Shanghai Polo Automobile
POLO 1.4 SVW 7 144 bli lsvga 29j×××2××××
Lsvga49j×××××××××× BCC engine (1.4L/55kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke dual overhead camshaft EFI engine), FCU/GET five-speed manual gearbox and high chassis.
35 Shanghai Polo Automobile
POLO 1.4 SVW 7 144 CLI lsvfb 29j×××2××××
Lsvfb 49j×××2×××××BCC engine (1.4L/55kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke double overhead camshaft EFI engine), four-speed automatic transmission of ESK/GCU and zero chassis.
36 Shanghai Polo Automobile
POLO 1.4 SVW 7 144 DLI lsvgb 29j×××2××××
Lsvgb49j××××××××× BCC engine (1.4L/55kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke dual overhead camshaft EFI engine), four-speed automatic transmission of ESK/GCU, and high chassis.
37 Shanghai Polo Automobile
POLO 1.6 SVW 7 164 EMI lsvfc 29j×××2××××
Lsvfc49j×××××××× BCD engine (1.6L/74kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke two-valve EFI engine), zero chassis of FXP/GEV five-speed manual transmission.
38 Shanghai Polo automobile
POLO 1.6 SVW 7 164 FMI lsvgc 29j×××2××××
Lsvgc49j××××××××× BCD engine (1.6L/74kW water-cooled inline four-cylinder four-stroke two-valve EFI engine), FXP/GEV five-speed manual gearbox, and high chassis.