G00—Quick positioning format: G00 The workpiece must not be processed during movement. (2) All programmed axes move at the speed defined by the parameters at the same time. When an axis reaches the programmed value, it stops, while other axes continue to move. (3) Coordinates that do not move do not need to be programmed. (4) G00 can be written as G0. Example: G00 G01—Linear interpolation Format: G01 The moving speed is determined by the F command feed speed. All coordinates can be run in conjunction. (2)G01 can also be written as G1. Example: G01 In G90, the arc end point coordinate is the absolute coordinate value relative to the programmed zero point. In G91, the arc end point is the incremental value relative to the arc starting point. Regardless of G90 or G91, I and K are the coordinate values ??of the arc end point. I is the X direction value and K is the Z direction value. The circle center coordinates cannot be omitted during arc interpolation unless programmed in other formats. (2) When programming the G02 instruction, you can directly program quadrant circles, full circles, etc. Note: When crossing the quadrant, gap compensation will be automatically performed. If the gap compensation input at the end of the parameter area is significantly different from the actual backlash of the machine tool, obvious cuts will be produced on the workpiece. (3) G02 can also be written as G2. Example: G02 X60 Z50 I40 K0 F120 Format 2: G02 radius. R is signed, "+" means the arc angle is less than 180 degrees; "-" means the arc angle is greater than 180 degrees. The "+" can be omitted. (3) It is based on the coordinates of the end point. When the length value between the end point and the starting point is greater than 2R, a straight line is used instead of the arc. Example: G02 X60 Z50 R20 F120 Format 3: G02 Same as format 2. G03—Circular interpolation description: Except that the arc rotation direction is opposite, the format is the same as the G02 command. G04—Timed pause Format: G04__F__ or G04 __K__ Description: The processing movement is paused. After the time is up, continue processing. The pause time is specified by the data following F. The unit is seconds. The range is 0.01 seconds to 300 seconds. G05—Arc interpolation through the intermediate point Format: G05 X(u)____Z(w)____IX_____IZ_____F_____ Description: (1) Other similar examples to G02/G03: G05 Increase by 10%. If you want to increase by 20%, you need to write two separate paragraphs. G22 (G220)—Radius size programming method Format: G22 Description: If it occupies its own line in the program, the system operates in radius mode, and the following values ??in the program are also based on the radius. G23 (G230)—Diameter size programming method Format: G23 Description: If it occupies a separate line in the program, the system runs in diameter mode, and the following values ??in the program are also based on diameter. G25—Jump processing Format: G25 LXXX Description: When the program is executed to this program, the program segment specified by it will be transferred. (XXX is the program segment number). G26—Cycle processing Format: G26 LXXX QXX Description: When the program is executed to this program, the beginning of the program segment it specifies and this segment are used as a cycle body, and the number of cycles is determined by the value behind Q. G30—magnification cancellation Format: G30 Description: Occupy a line by itself in the program, used in conjunction with G31, to cancel the function of G31. G31—Override definition format: G31 F_____ G32—Constant pitch thread processing (imperial system) G33—Constant pitch thread processing (metric system) Format: G32/G33 X(u)____Z(w)____F____ Description: (1) X and Z are the end points Coordinate value, F is the thread pitch (2) G33/G32 can only process single-tool and single-start threads. (3) Changes in the X value can process taper threads. (4) When using this command, the spindle speed cannot be too high, otherwise the tool wear will be greater.
G50—Set the workpiece coordinates/Set the maximum (low) spindle speed Format: G50 S____Q____ Description: S is the maximum spindle speed, Q is the spindle minimum speed G54—Set the workpiece coordinates Format: G54 Description: There can be several in the system There are two coordinate systems, G54 corresponds to the first coordinate system, and its origin position value is set in the machine tool parameters. G55—Set workpiece coordinates 2, same as above G56—Set workpiece coordinates 3, same as above G57—Set workpiece coordinates 4, same as above G58—Set workpiece coordinates 5, same as above G59—Set workpiece coordinates 6, same as above G60—Accurate path mode format: G60 Description: In the actual processing process, when several actions are connected together, and when programming with accurate paths, there will be a buffering process (that is, deceleration) when performing the next section of processing. G64—Continuous path mode Format: G64 Description: Relative For G60. Mainly used for rough machining. G74—Reference point return (machine zero point) Format: G74 X Z Description: (1) No other content may appear in this paragraph. (2) The coordinates appearing after G74 will return to zero in order of X and Z. (3) Before using G74, you must confirm that the machine tool is equipped with a reference point switch. (4) Single-axis zero return can also be performed. G75 - Return to the zero point of the programmed coordinates Format: G75 X Z Description: Return to the zero point of the programmed coordinates G76 - Return to the starting point of the programmed coordinates Format: G76 Description: Return to the position where the tool starts processing. G81—Outer circle (inner circle) fixed cycle Format: G81__X(U)__Z(W)__R__I__K__F__ Description: (1) X, Z are the end point coordinate values, U, W are the increment values ??of the end point relative to the current point. (2)R is the diameter of the starting section to be processed. (3) I is the rough turning feed, K is the finishing turning feed, I and K are signed numbers, and the signs of the two should be the same. The symbol convention is as follows: cutting from the outside to the central axis (turning the outer circle) is "—", and vice versa is "+". (4) Different X, Z, R determine different switches of the outer circle, such as: with taper or no degree, forward taper or reverse taper, left cutting or right cutting, etc. (5) F is the cutting speed (mm/min) (6) After the processing is completed, the tool stops at the end point. Example: G81 Two-axis interpolation, cutting to the end section, stopping if the processing is completed: 3: G01 retracts I to a safe position, and performs auxiliary section smoothing at the same time 4: G00 rapidly feeds to outside the high working plane I, leaving I for the next step For cutting operations, repeat to 1. G90—Absolute value mode programming Format: G90 Description: (1) When G90 is programmed, all coordinate values ??programmed in the future are based on the programmed zero point. (2) After the system is powered on, the machine tool is in G state. N0010 G90 G92 x20 z90 N0020 G01 X40 Z80 F100 N0030 G03 Programmed value for motion. In the next segment of the coordinate system, the previous point is always used as the starting point for programming. Example: N0010 G91 G92 X20 Z85 N0020 G01 X20 Z-10 F100 N0030 Z-20 N0040 value, without moving the coordinate axis, to achieve the purpose of setting the coordinate origin. (2) The effect of G92 is to change the displayed tool nose coordinates to the set value. (3) XZ after G92 can be programmed separately or all of them. G94—Feed rate, feed per minute Description: This is the default startup state of the machine tool. G20—Subprogram call Format: G20 L__ N__ Description: (1) What follows L is the program name after N of the subprogram to be called, but N cannot be entered. Only numbers 1~99999999 are allowed after N. (2) This program shall not contain content other than those described above. G24—Return at the end of the subroutine Format: G24 Description: (1) G24 indicates the end of the subroutine and returns to the next section of the program that called the subroutine. (2) G24 and G20 appear in pairs; (3) No other instructions are allowed to appear in this section of G24.
Edit this paragraph Example: The following example illustrates the parameter transfer process during the subroutine call. Please pay attention to the application name: P10 M03 S1000 G20 L200 M02 N200 G92 X50 Z100 G01 X40 F100 Z97 G02 Z92 X50 I10 K0 F100 G01 Z- 25 F100 G00 X60 Z100 G24 If you want to call it multiple times, please use M03 in the following format 10 K0 F100 G01 Z-25 F100 G00 X60 Z100 G24 G331—Thread processing cycle format: G331 X__ Z__I__K__R__p__ Description: (1) The diameter changes in the The trailing length in the : 1. The depth of each infeed is R÷p and is rounded up. The last cut is not advanced to smooth the thread surface. 2. The name of the I value is determined based on the positive and negative direction of the internal thread withdrawal along the X direction. 3. The starting position of the thread processing cycle is to align the tool tip with the outer circle of the thread.
Example: M3 G4 f2 G0 x30 z0 G331 z-50 x0 i10 k2 r1.5 p5 G0 z0 M05 Notes when editing this paragraph: 1. G00 and G01 G00 motion trajectories include straight lines and polyline. This instruction is only used for Point positioning cannot be used for cutting processing. G01 moves to the target point specified by the instruction in linear motion at the specified feed speed. It is generally used for cutting processing 2, G02 and G03. G02: Clockwise arc interpolation. G03: Counterclockwise arc. Interpolation 3, G04 (delay or pause command), generally used for forward and reverse rotation switching, processing blind holes, step holes, turning and grooving 4, G17, G18, G19 plane selection instructions, specifying plane processing, generally used for milling machines and Machining center G17: X-Y plane, which can be omitted, or it can be a plane parallel to the X-Y plane. G18: Plane 5, G27, G28, G29 Reference point command G27: Return to the reference point, check and confirm the reference point position G28: Automatically return to the reference point (passing the intermediate point) G29: Return from the reference point, used in conjunction with G28 6, G40, G41 , G42 Radius compensation G40: Cancel tool radius compensation. Give this much first, and then give it after finishing it at night. 7. G43, G44, G49 Length compensation G43: Positive length compensation G44: Negative length compensation G49: Cancel tool length compensation 8. G32, G92, G76 G32: Thread cutting G92: Thread cutting fixed cycle G76: Thread cutting compound cycle 9. Turning processing: G70, G71, 72, G73 G71: Axial rough turning compound cycle command G70: Finishing compound cycle G72: End face turning , Radial rough turning cycle G73: Copying rough turning cycle 10, milling machine, machining center: G73: High-speed deep hole pecking drilling G83: Deep hole pecking drilling G81: Drilling cycle G82: Deep hole drilling cycle G74: Left-hand thread processing G84: Right-hand thread processing G76: Precision boring cycle G86: Boring processing cycle G85: Reaming G80: Cancel cycle command 11, programming mode G90, G91 G90: Absolute coordinate programming G91: Incremental coordinate programming