The cause of urticaria is not yet clear, but it is found to be related to factors such as allergies, infections, and autoimmunity. Patients often describe when they come to see a doctor that rashes and itching appear every night and disappear automatically in the morning. This situation is considered to be caused by a decline in autoimmunity and is more common in lactating women, as well as those with chronic diseases such as hyperthyroidism, anemia, and diabetes. patient. For lactating women, urticaria will get better on its own after she stops breastfeeding and her body recovers for a period of time. For patients with chronic diseases, if the primary disease is treated first, the urticaria will stop appearing after the primary disease improves. If no disease is found in the patient, immunomodulatory drugs can be given, such as spleen aminopeptide freeze-dried powder, transfer factor oral liquid, Huaiqihuang granules, etc. The number of rashes at night will decrease in about 1-3 months. Gradually reduce until it disappears.